Category: Constitution

Reid Wants To Eviscerate First Amendment

Harry Reid has finally revealed his true political priority heading into this fall’s elections. When the Senate reconvenes he will force a vote on a Constitutional Amendment that eviscerates the First Amendment. Reid and fellow leftist Democrats in the Senate…

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Truth or Conspiracy – You Decide

A 134 page unclassified book, Alternative World Scenarios for A New Order of Nations, published in 1993 by Charles Taylor, a professor at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, detailed a projected world government  by the target year of 2000.  His revision, “A World 2010:…

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Happy Independence Day

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” On July 4th, 1776, America…

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The Push To Cede U.S. Sovereignty

The effort to ratify the United Nation’s Law of the Sea Convention has been a long-term goal for Obama and his leftist cronies, including John Podesta, a member of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, (JOCI) and George Soros. When Podesta…

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Framework Of Freedom

Our founding documents are a clear and forceful answer to the many problems that plague our nation. Far too many of the ruling powers that be, especially Obama, find our documents cumbersome and unnecessary impediments to their agenda and to…

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The Second Amendment

You can largely determine where a person will fall in the debate over gun control and the Second Amendment based on their view of government and the role it should play in our lives. Ultimately, the Second Amendment’s right to…

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Path to a Soviet America

“The scientific concept of dictatorship means nothing else than no laws, absolutely unrestricted by rules.” – Vladimir Lenin By Lenin’s definition, we no longer live in a constitutional republic called the United States of America, but rather in a Soviet-style…

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Predicting crime before it happens, is it possible? If the possibility exists, then how is it accomplished? “Pre-crime” and “predictive policing”, monikers for forecasting criminal behavior and future crimes, are growing techniques being used more frequently by cities, states and national…

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Usurping State Property Rights

We have reached a moment in Western history when, despite all appearances, no meaningful public debate over issues is possible.   Not only do progressives  no longer understand what the issues are, they are incapable of even suspecting that they do not…

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Who Owns America?

Does the U.S. Constitution make provision for the federal government’s right to take, possess, own, or control public land?  Currently, the federal government “owns” approximately 30% of the United States territory, the majority of which is out west. At issue…

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More Fuzzy Liberal Logic

It looks like the hypocrites are out in droves.   Meryl Streep is teaming up with Harvey Weinstein to make “The Senator’s Wife,” a movie which Weinstein brags will destroy the National Rifle Association, firearm manufacturers and move America forward to…

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One Man’s Mandate Is Another’s Loss of Freedom

Right now the Obama Administration is going after Christians, Christian organizations,  nuns, Catholic hospitals and charities, and business owners to force them to pay for abortion.   Whose Conscience should the government violate next? After all, one party’s mandate is another group’s loss…

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