Category: Economy

Corporate Greed

Ask yourself why people need to be forced to buy a product by federal legislation, and who benefits. On September 10, the US Senate Energy & Public Works Committee approved a new energy bill, S 2754 – the American Innovation…

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Cycle of Life for America

In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic (Greece) some 2,000 years prior: “A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist…

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America’s Red Guard

This year has been one of the most disrupted times in at least the last half century, maybe longer. Global protests, covid-19, lockdowns, widespread rioting, looting, arson, homelessness, and destruction of property, including the tearing down of statues, has become…

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“May Day”!

We are living in a dangerous political climate. The anti-American coup has escalated and the final nails are being driven into America’s coffin. In a speech on July 2, 2008, Obama said, We cannot continue to rely on our military…

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Killing Cash

“Cash is problematic to banks. It is expensive to manage, hard to take from customers and, worst of all, it is a possible gaping wound, if a bank run occurs. In a world without cash, customers would be forced to…

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Dark Money Supports the Left

When responding to charges against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s dark money problem, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island attempted to downplay the charges by claiming that dark money is a problem on “both sides of the isle.”  He added however, that…

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Why Would You Trust These People

Opinions vary enormously about the merits of government-imposed lockdowns in response to the coronavirus.  Some data gets flung here, other data is paraded there, all amidst fiery discussions of the reality and relative importance of concepts that most of us…

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Gates is actively stoking the fires of fear.  He warns that this fall “COVID-19 will be back in big numbers, if we don’t restrict and restrain our behavior better than we are now.   Governments, he complained, are not “tough enough”…

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NEWS FLASH:   Experts say there is no inflation  – unless you eat, rent or own your home, or seek medical care. The U.S. government claims that there is no increase in prices, except for things that consumers are buying. That…

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The Road to Hell – Just Saying!

The far left who claim “justice!” as their battle cry have no idea what it means. While I expect that kind of foolishness from the secular world, it is apparent that many modern Christians also embrace folly as long as…

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