Tag: Agenda 21

Money and Power Controls the Debate

Climate alarmism, based on the erosion of the distinction between science and political advocacy, is about making up scare stories based on computer models with no basis in reality and recycled as scientific evidence. Many of the climate lies promote…

Pushing Socialism as A Cure

Bernie Saunders claimed during his last presidential run that America was ready to elect a Socialist to run our country.  Guess he miscalculated somewhat – but not enough to keep him from tossing his hat into the ring for a…

EPA Water Rule Is Another Power Grab

The debate over the EPA and US Army Corps of Engineers to redefine the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act is heating up. Two Supreme Court decisions, Solid Waste Authority of Northern Cook County vs. US Army…

Alabama Nullifies UN Agenda 21

The Tenth Amendment Center   Alabama became the first state to adopt a tough law protecting private property and due process by prohibiting any government involvement with or participation in a controversial United Nations scheme known as Agenda 21. Activists…