Tag: Hillary Clinton

Hillary, Shaman and Jezebel

Shaman- a person who enters an altered state of consciousness at will to acquire knowledge, power; having one or more “spirits” in his/her personal service…..witchdoctor. Jean Houston is a New Age leader who believes the human mind can create solid…

A Spiritual Battle

What’s Going on in Our Culture? Ridiculous To The Core Without a doubt, we need to keep squawking. Without a doubt, we need to vote to protect life and Christianity in general. Without a doubt we should get vocal about…

Hillary Clinton: Hypocrisy on Steroids

For this year’s Oscar for Hypocrisy, I nominate this incredible statement by Hillary Clinton, uttered five days after Hollywood producer and Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein was accused of a laundry list of sexual predations: “The behavior described by women coming…

ANTIFA Rioters Receives $800,000 from Hillary

Didn’t I tell you? Those black-masked thugs of Antifa, who torch buildings, overturn cars, and beat people up, who riot to shut down towns and college campuses–the Democrat Party owns them. In fact, the Democrats fund them. And Hillary Clinton,…

Detached From Reality

“How It Happened,” Hillary’s bizarre attempt to rationalize her monumental defeat last year, isn’t the only example of delusional liberalism to hit the bookstores this month. Two new books contend that Trump’s election is proof that Americans have always been…

A Political Snipe Hunt

It’s Not A Witch-Hunt; It’s A Snipe Hunt If you’ve ever gone to a summer camp in North America, the odds are good that you have been duped into participating in a snipe hunt or shamelessly duped others into participating…

Hillary’s Destructive “Fake New”

The originators of fake news are now lecturing us about fake news. Gimme a break. Where was Hillary’s concern for “innocent” people when she pushed “Fake News” about rebels in Syria and Libya by saying they were moderates when they…


The reference to “Leon Ponetta” near the end of this video refers to JON PODESTA. The person responsible for sacking the former quality control position has been sacked. Updating ASAP and I regret the error.