Tag: News

Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood

Back home for the weekend, I’m hearing from plenty of Members of Congress. Their constituents weren’t happy with the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill to begin with, but they’re irate that Congress co-signed another massive check to America’s largest abortion…

Biggest Crisis No One’s Talking About

“The potential detrimental effects of pornography include emotional, mental, and medical illnesses, deviant sexual arousal, difficulty forming and maintaining intimate relationships, altered brain development and functioning, and problematic and harmful sexual behaviors.” That’s just part of the text of House Joint…

Sen. Mike Lee Right to Be Leery of Feldblum

Plenty of conservatives remember the name Chai Feldblum, Barack Obama’s head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). She came to the administration with an impressive resume of radicalism — complete with jobs at the Human Rights Campaign, the ACLU,…

Memo Brings Justice to Light

The famous English composer, Jon Lord, once said, “The ultimate success of this government and the stability of its institutions, its progress in all that can make a nation honored, depend upon its adherence to the principles of truth and…

New Atheists Are Very Dangerous People!

New Atheists hate God and religion and are going to shocking extremes to change American and Canadian family life and our total culture as they promote their “God doesn’t exist” heresy. Since they teach that the Bible is full of…

Mueller CANNOT Indict The President

There seems to be some confusion about the powers that Special Counsel Bob Mueller has when it comes to the president. The truth of the matter is that Mueller cannot indict President Trump while he is president. Legally, the proper remedy…

The FBI, Obama, and the Search for a Russian Mole

Will the investigation of anti-Trump bias in the FBI turn into something even more ominous? Consider the well-established fact that President Barack Hussein Obama, using a pseudonym, knowingly exchanged emails with Hillary on her private unsecure server. He then lied…


 Daniel Greenfield  delivered this speech that I delivered this Sunday at the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach. This is a civil war. There aren’t any soldiers marching on Charleston… or Myrtle Beach. Nobody’s getting shot in the streets.…

Bad Publicity After Rejecting Ad from Vets Group

The NFL can’t afford more bad publicity, but that’s exactly what they’re getting after their latest clash with veterans. You’d think the league’s abysmal ratings would have them rethinking their business model. Not so far, according to Fox News’s Todd Starnes.…

Are Males an Endangered Species?

Oh, feminists are gonna be dancing in the streets over this! According to some scientists – and remember, Science is always right! – writing in the science journal, Conversation, the Y-chromosome, which males have and females don’t, is “rapidly disappearing.” At the rate…

“Appropriate Whiteness”

Course Explores ‘Appropriate Whiteness in the Age of Trump’ Hampshire College is offering a course this semester exploring how to respond to white supremacy in the “Age of Trump.” The course description for “White Supremacy and Appropriate Whiteness in the…

Flaws of Liberalism

Fifty years of radical liberalism culminating in the ruinous policies of the previous administration, have taught us many valuable lessons. Learning them has involved needless misery, suffering and division across the United States and throughout the world. But hard lessons…

Great Harlot Perverting the World

Since we graduated high school in 1994 (dang, we’re getting old!), we’ve made it a goal to read through the Bible every year. This time of year, we end up in the book of Revelation before renewing our commitment to…