Day: March 2, 2012

Obama uses Race Card and Deceased Mother

    Imagine if Republicans or Democrats announced a national campaign called ‘Whites for Republicans” – “Whites for Democrats” –  The media would immediately jump on it as pure racism. And yet Barack Obama has done the equivalent of precisely…

Harvard Okay Promoting Israel’s Destruction

joshuapundit – On March 3-4, Harvard will host a two-day conference at the Kennedy School of Government focused, in effect, on dismantling the Jewish state of Israel. A number of student groups and others associated with Harvard are sponsoring “One…

Veterans Turn Their Backs to White House

Feb. 20, 2012 – Meeting alongside the Washington Monument, more than 1,000 marched in a demonstration to the White House. With an about face, veterans and active duty service members turned their backs to the White House sending Obama the…