Author: Rretta

Obama’s Rigidity and Fathomless Ignorance

Serious people feel obliged to listen whenever Obama speaks. They furrow their brow, hold their chin and parse every word. They assume that most everything he says is significant, and what’s significant must also be well-informed. I’ve been thinking about…

Alien Nation

As American government transforms itself into a concierge service for illegal aliens, the importance of keeping the truth from actual citizens has grown. Remember, you weren’t supposed to know about Obama’s human wave assault this year. The photos of children stacked…

Neutering American Workers

If you really think Obama and the amnesty crowd are genuinely concerned with the plight of illegal aliens, it is time to call Otis, – your elevator is stuck in the basement. Seven American tech companies spent $13.8 million during…

And It Only Took 24 Years!

The USS Reagan, 1,092 feet long, nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall, has a  flight deck covering 4.5 acres.  With a top speed that exceeds 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than…

The Killer Coolant?

In 1978 Jimmy Carter’s EPA began banning the use of Freon because of alleged damage to the ozone layer, in favor of HFC-134a coolants that would help save the world. But as we’ve recently found out, the only world the…

Obama, The Pathological Narcissist

Sam Vaknin, Ph.D is the author of Malignant Self Love – Narcissism Revisited and After the Rain – How the West Lost the East as well as many other books and ebooks about topics in psychology, relationships, philosophy, economics, and international…

The Big Chill

“We want our children to live in an America that isn’t threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.” Barack Obama, 2012 Well he needn’t worry any longer about all those devastating effects of the warming planet scam. The…

Squirrels Seeking Nuts

You might not be able to buy your way into heaven but former governor Michael Bloomberg is certain he can buy his way into the consciousness of voters.   Along with Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Everytown for Gun Safety, Bloomberg is now…

Mind Control: It’s For Your Own Good!

When Obama promised American veterans that he is planning to “improve” their health and the health of current military troops, he mentioned one “idea” that centered on the development of a new computer chip designed to modulate the nervous system…


A new philosophy is spreading throughout the world – a belief that humanity has become a cancer that is destroying the earth.  Universities offer courses, the U.N. writes position papers,  radical population control advocates have been appointed to some of…

Rome Burns While Obama Golfs

How clueless can the Obama administration be? Last week Deputy State Department spokesman Marie Harf, while condemning the beheading of American journalist James Foley by ISIS, also had the audacity to say that it “is not about the United States…

A Moral War

According to reports out of Iraq, ISIS is beheading children, raping and then killing their mothers, and hanging or crucifying their fathers.   Entire Christian and non-Muslim communities are being decimated. Over a million Christians have been slaughtered in the name…

Empowering The Purveyors of Division

Many Americans were surprised to learn that recently the US Navy, prompted by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, was forcing military hotels to remove all Bibles from their rooms. Of course, once the situation was revealed to the general public,…