Author: Rretta

The Bubble Of False Prosperity

For a long time now, we have been enjoying a period of relative economic stability even though our underlying economic fundamentals continue to get worse. Unfortunately there are now a bunch of signs that this period of relative stability is…

The Moral Mugging Continues

For the last 50 years, liberalism as a movement of moral liberation, has preached “if you like your morality, you can keep your morality.” The game was to promise a limited reform that would seriously not disturb the status quo…

Money, Not Science, Controls The Global Warming Scam

America’s environmental agenda is set by the uber-rich using their personal fortunes to establish foundations that work hand-in-glove with the Obama administration’s agenda to destroy America’s fossil fuel industry. The Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) founded in 1985 is the cash…

Reid Wants To Eviscerate First Amendment

Harry Reid has finally revealed his true political priority heading into this fall’s elections. When the Senate reconvenes he will force a vote on a Constitutional Amendment that eviscerates the First Amendment. Reid and fellow leftist Democrats in the Senate…

What If 20 Million Illegals Were Deported?

Governor Perry’s decision to put National Guard on the border has sparked an official whine from the Mexican government that Texas isn’t being a good neighbor by wanting to enforce America’s immigration laws. America should be willing to share in the responsibility…

Is Ebola Mutating?

I read a recent article by Mike Adams at Natural News that asked Why Does the CDC own a patent on Ebola invention?   Why indeed! According to Adams, the CDC patent, awarded in 2010, is on a particular strain of…

Truth or Conspiracy – You Decide

A 134 page unclassified book, Alternative World Scenarios for A New Order of Nations, published in 1993 by Charles Taylor, a professor at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute, detailed a projected world government  by the target year of 2000.  His revision, “A World 2010:…

The Push To Cede U.S. Sovereignty

The effort to ratify the United Nation’s Law of the Sea Convention has been a long-term goal for Obama and his leftist cronies, including John Podesta, a member of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative, (JOCI) and George Soros. When Podesta…

The Metaphorical Cockroach

Two weeks ago the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco heard arguments about the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), aka ObamaCare’s death panel, a 15 member presidential appointed panel created and empowered to make all kinds of decisions…

Don’t Let The VA Scandal Die!

The VA is an epic, deadly, monstrous failure according to a former Special Forces soldier and medic who served his country for 25 years. “They’re getting billions of dollars, and they treat veterans like s**t. There’s no accountability, no buy-in,…

Humanity Has Hit A New Low!

Last week three Jewish young men were kidnaped by HAMAS while trying to catch a ride home from school.   The world should be up in arms but instead, they’re blaming the victims. The boys got what they deserved according to…

Cut and Run Foreign Policy

“Why would anyone trust a government that condoned torture, spied on at least 35 world leaders, supports indefinite detention, places bugs in thousands of computers sold all over the world, kills innocent people with drones, promotes the post office to…

Self Preservation

The flood of young people illegally crossing our border is far worse than Obama is willing to admit. According to a draft memo by Deputy Border Patrol Chief Ronald Vitiello dated May 30, agents and officers will apprehend more than…