Author: Rretta

Take A Toke and Pass It Around!

In a recent interview Obama said that while marijuana use is a bad habit, he doesn’t  believe it’s more dangerous than  alcohol.  He also believes that it is  “important” that the legalization of the drug in some  states  “go forward” because it would prevent…

Stop Feeding The RINOs

“I’d rather have a loyal dog who licks me than one with a pedigree who bites  me,” he added. “I’d rather go to battle with someone who isn’t perfect than with  someone who thinks he is.”  Mike Huckabee According to…

Common Sense and Moderation

We’re bombarded daily with ads to eat healthy, with ads touting non-existent nutritional claims, with government agencies and Michelle Obama pushing some new diet or nutritional study on how we should eat.  Put your  gray matter into high gear  –…

Black Robed Activism

It is said that you can judge a man by the company that he keeps. I wonder if that also applies to the judicial nominees that he supports!  Obama nominated  Cornelia Pillard  to the 11 member US Court of Appeals…

Facts vs. Rhetoric

Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and Stanford University writes that someone summarized Barack Obama in three words — “educated,” “smart” and “ignorant.” Unfortunately, those same three words would describe all too many of the people who come…

Will The Free Market Kill GMOs?

In more than 60 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the European Union,  there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs.  While Monsanto remains a dominate force [$$$$$$] in American politics,…

$17 Trillion and Counting

Congress is beginning 2014  with a bipartisan budget deal that busts right through “caps” it was supposed to have on spending. To understand the amount of debt [$17 trillion]  we’re already under, we need to put it into perspective. One…

Is The Big Bang Theory A Dud?

“If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present…

The Mental Illness Card

Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney,  RedFlagNews:  History shows  that a  disarmed population is a population that cannot effectively resist tyranny. Obama is attempting gun control through Executive Orders that broaden the definition of mental illness to disarm and ultimately imprison potential…

The TSA Sucks

If some total stranger walked up to you in the street and said “I am either going to see you naked or touch your genitals”, What would be the likelihood of that person walking away from that encounter?  Robert Colella…

Playing God With Fake Science

Every few years the United Nation’s global warming scientists lay out their “latest faked climate  science” in laymans terms so that policy makers around the world can use it to scam their citizens.   The 2013 report consolidated the typical chicken-little scare that…

Climate Voodoo

The false science worshippers of global warming can invoke climate voodoo to explain every weather event:  hurricanes, or lack thereof, tornadoes or lack thereof, too much rain, too little rain, high temperatures, low temperatures and basically any event we use…

Regionalism: The Next Frontier of Evil

Let’s use Taylor County, Florida as an example for Regionalism, although it could be all 67 counties in the State. Or any county in any state. Tucked away in a beautiful setting in northern Florida is Taylor County. Generations of…