Category: Biblical World View

America “the Evil Empire”?

Movie director Oliver Stone told the television program Russia Today that America is now “the evil empire.” This is in reference to President Reagan’s famous remark in the mid-1980s that the Soviet Union was “the evil empire.” Reagan got a lot of flak from…

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Matter Demands A Creator

Atheists contend that God is nonexistent and Agnostics allege that there is a very high probability that He does not exist.  Theist, on the other hand, possess a rational belief that God exists and that anyone who genuinely pursues the truth, who follows the…

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The Great Pyramid of Giza Decoded

There are over 80 pyramids in Egypt built between the 27th and 18th centuries B.C.   The most famous of these are the three Pyramids of Giza, the largest of which is the Great Pyramid, one of the last remaining Seven Wonders of…

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When Churches Say No to the Government

There is precedent in Scripture for godly people saying no to the governing authorities. There are times when, to use the words of Peter, “We must obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29). Is today one of those times? One…

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God Is Not A Fairy Tale

Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. How is it possible, atheists ask, to name one religion as the true Religion…

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Old Lives Matter

We hear it all the time these days: “Almost all the people who are dying from the coronavirus are old.” But what is this supposed to mean? Does it mean that younger people don’t need to worry about contracting it?…

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The Day the Earth Stood Still

Isn’t it amazing how so much of our world has changed so dramatically, almost overnight? How the new normal has suddenly replaced the old normal? How everything is in a state of flux? All this makes us realize how some…

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The Resurrection Tomb

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located in the city of Jerusalem, is the “traditional” site of the tomb of Jesus, identified by the mother of Constantine (Queen Helena) some 300 years after the death and resurrection of Christ.  Unfortunately, the…

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Disguising Marxist Ideology as Christian

Many Christians wonder why America’s mainline denominations so frequently seem to support leftist organizations.   The answer is simple –   many of these mainline churches, at least the leadership, have virtually become leftist organizations under the umbrella group, The National…

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Hijacking the Cross

1,400 years ago, Muhammad hijacked Jesus from the gospels, demoted him to prophet, and placed him in the Koran.  Christianity was Islam’s main competition at the time, and Muhammad seems to have reasoned that it was better to co-opt Jesus…

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