Category: Constitution

Identity Politics and the Death of Liberty

America started a “great experiment” in human history, that being the ideas of individual freedom and limited government. All of history before this assumed that the individual was subservient to the tribe, and governments had nearly absolute power over people…

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Biden Plans “Psych” Test for Gun Ownership

Can Presidents Ignore the Bill of Rights? His talk about AR-15 confiscation is overruled by new“character, suitability and ‘any other’ ” requirementsfor gun ownership; Second Amendment would be optional. The Bill of Rights ban on infringement would be ignored;Unelected bureaucrats…

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EU Dictates Freedom of Speech

Regulations have huge effects on your life.  Tougher car safety standards, for example, may save your life but they also make your car more expensive to buy and operate.  Obscure food regulations could cost you hundreds, maybe thousands a year. …

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Face the Truth: That Is the Democrat’s Plan, Go Ahead—Ask Them— “What guns do you believe Americans should be allowed to have?” * This is the bottom line, America—Democrats will ban every decent gun in private possession. That bill is…

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NICS NEEDS TO BE FIXED The same way you fix a dog

Civil and human rights advocates have warned you for decades. The federal government is commandeering the right to bear arms,and turning it into an option they’ll control, using “NICS” so-called background checks. The national background check has not disarmed rioters,…

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Follow the Law

I’ve been holding back for a long time, readers and friends. This subject makes me angrier than any other and raises my blood pressure, which, at my age, I can ill afford. However, now that we’re well into the process…

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This year has given us a new ideology with totalitarian tendencies. It has a vision of hell, of heaven, and a means of transition. It has a unique language apparatus. It has a mental focus. It has signaling systems to…

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Laying Siege to Religious Freedom

The November election is more than just a presidential election. It is a vote for or against our Republic, a vote for or against our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is…

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The Durability of the US Constitution

“The American Constitution is, so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.” So said 19th century British Prime Minister Sir William Gladstone. September 17 marks…

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