Category: Constitution

Created Crisis Meets Leftist Opportunity

In the 1920s and 30s, the ruling elite became deeply intoxicated with the illusion that they could regiment human beings like machines on a factory floor.   Realizing it wouldn’t happen overnight, they hatched a plan to stealthy erode our freedoms…

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Freedom Versus Tyranny on Display

Dr. Richard Land once called our country, “the divided states of America.” How apt—especially when we survey the various responses to the coronavirus. They are lessons in liberty and lessons in tyranny. To paraphrase what a friend of mine wrote…

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Greasing the Skids Toward Socialism?

One fallout of the Covid-19 crisis is its severe thrashing of our economy. Not only have all the impressive economic gains of the Trump administration evaporated, but we are now adding to our national debt in scary ways. I hope…

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Your Business is Essential

What the hell is an essential job and an essential business? Who is more essential, the cop, or the kid in the mall-kiosk who fixes my phone? Fortunately, that decision shouldn’t be up to a politician or a judge. It…

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20/20 Vision

How is your vision today?  Proverbs 28:18 tells us, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  If you look at this same verse in the ESV version, it says, “Where there is no PROPHETIC vision, the people cast off restraint.”  Another version says, “Without REVELATION…

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No Society Can Survive Ignorance

America’s decline has been an orchestrated event perpetrated at the highest levels of government.  Our rich heritage and history has been a thorn in the side of the left for many years, an impediment to their domination and control. In order to…

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If No Constitution – No Fed

Are Washington DC politicians absolutely sure that they want to make the US Constitution null and void? If the US Constitution is null and void, then so is the union of states that it created, as that fragile union of…

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Never Agree to a Police Search

It’s a subject that a lot of people think they understand, but too often our perception of police power is distorted by fictional TV dramas, sensational media stories, silly urban myths, and the unfortunate fact that police themselves are legally…

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Who We Are as a Nation

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh writes: America used to mean something. The Statue of Liberty represented independence, what it meant collectively to be an American. There was a reason why millions risked life and limb to come to our shores. We…

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Enough Already!

After several months of non-stop media hysteria, a growing number of Americans are finally getting sick and tired of hearing about the dangers of Covid-19 and reminded about the precautions they must make. It is getting nauseating for every news…

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A Republic, If You Can Keep It!

The U.S. is an exceptional nation in world history that stands for limited government, separation of powers, the rule of law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and the free-market economy, etc. These have long…

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Armed Pencil Pushers

It’s especially ironic that the federal government is looking for any excuse to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of the American people while government agencies appear to be looking for any excuse to arm themselves.  John Hawkins Shortly before…

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When Churches Say No to the Government

There is precedent in Scripture for godly people saying no to the governing authorities. There are times when, to use the words of Peter, “We must obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29). Is today one of those times? One…

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