Category: Transparency

Iron Mountain, An Outline For Tyranny

Iron Mountain sounds innocent enough but  words can be ever so deceiving.  Iron Mountain is actually a government report, an outline for Tyranny.  In 1961 JFK formed a top secret study to determine  the problems that would confront the United States if and when a condition…

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Has The World Gone Mad?

When you’re older you start to see things in a different light.   Often I ask – ‘has the world gone mad?’  Is there something in the water?  When did life become only living for the moment?  What happened to personal responsibility?  What happened…

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Miracles, Absent The Miracle Maker

Naturalism is the philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and cause;  natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe; and,  the changing universe, at every stage, is a product of these…

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The Unelected Shadow Government

America’s next president will inherit more than a bitterly divided nation. He or she will also inherit a shadow government—a permanent, corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the…

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Fabricating the Inflation Rate

The latest lie from the U.S. government is the “new” official inflation rate of 1%.  Wouldn’t it be nice if that were true? Of course, when you live in the real world you know better. The government uses two methods…

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Obama’s Jewish Soul

Obama introduced himself to the nation as the son of black and white parents. He has gone back and forth between Christianity and Islam like a philanderer in a bar. Now, he has added a third religion and race to…

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Funding A World Depopulation Agenda…

Gates, Soros And Monsanto. (SD WELLS)  Hitler had a depopulation agenda which he kept under wraps, until so many millions of people disappeared that the world started figuring out what was happening. What if he had come right out and announced his…

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The Tidal Wave Is Coming

With all the vile bitterness of the current presidential nomination campaign, people have a tendency to turn a deaf ear to the background noise but that background noise is growing louder and it’s time to listen. The role of the…

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