Tag: Abuse of Power

America’s Impotence Was Obama’s Choice

It is time for  American conservatives to face a few hard truths. The Constitution is in tatters, our justice system has been co-opted, the economy is largely nationalized, private property is fast slipping from our hands, our currency is debauched, the debt is…

If Destruction Be Our Lot

“Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military…

Info you need to know about Rubio

Rubio is owned by the establishment and here’s proof. His Finances – wouldn’t want him balancing my checkbook, Immigration – bringing them in by the thousands and lying about it, Senate Votes – He’s a no show, Education, Marriage, and much…

Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

Just a few (25) of the scandals, lies, and criminal activity of Hillary Clinton, and she wants to be our next president. Don’t you think 8 years of our present president’s torment and thievery is enough? Do we really want another ruthless professional…

The End Justifies The Means

“Politics is a game in which prizes are distributed and burdens are imposed  according to skillful use of pressures and counterpressures. Importunity may  prevail over reason, expedience over evidence, and power over justice.  Many  politicians practice their craft according to…

The Bureau of Womanhood Conformity

The real war on women is the one being waged against women of faith and conscience.   Obama, his allies in Congress and the abortion lobby must end the assault on life, conscience and religious liberties now. Thinking for yourself and…

Judas’ and Profiteers

“Few men have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder.” -George Washington How is it that American politicians are garnering so much wealth? During the 113th congressional session, 268 of the 534 members were millionaires. Here is a short list…

82 Democrats co-sponsor HR 569

American readers who aren’t aware of HR569 probably should be,  to learn just how successful the Muslim Brotherhood has been in its penetration of the U.S. government, and how close we are to seeing the full implementation of U.N. Resolution…