Tag: Christianity

Are You Among The Living Dead?

 Are You Among The Living Dead? In Revelation chapter two, we see what appears to be a model church. They performed good works and were involved in the community. They were steadfast and patient. They hated evil and pointed out…

Paganizing Culture

It truly pains me to write this. My hometown, where I’ve lived all my life, is being rapidly transformed into a leftid colony of high taxes and low character. We’ve got an Organized Sodomy flag flying on every other lawn,…

Hypocrisy: Todays Killer

A Real ‘Sincere’ Challenge For America Charles Spurgeon once said: “Sincerity makes the very least person to be of more value than the most talented hypocrite.” Hypocrisy is a killer today, especially when it’s “talented” hypocrisy – because the influence…

A Spiritual Battle

What’s Going on in Our Culture? Ridiculous To The Core Without a doubt, we need to keep squawking. Without a doubt, we need to vote to protect life and Christianity in general. Without a doubt we should get vocal about…

Christianity vs Baal

  Our country is experiencing Birth Pangs as never before and they are accelerating. We are under attack by an unseen force, yet the signs are there for all to see. We are at a time in history where our…

Humanism: Life Without God

The battle for the control of our nation, the battle against the evils that would destroy our society, can only be won if we identify the enemy and understand the tactics they employ. The American Humanist Association (AHA) launched an initiative…

Christian’s Guide to Debate

Debating is something quite old. The Greeks spent much time debating systems of philosophy, religion, new ideas, seeming nearly insatiable in their desire for the “new thing”, and nearly anything that came to their attention. These were the conditions in…

Legislating Wickedness

Articles have no attractive colors and themes like book covers, so there is only one chance to grab the attention. It usually means that the stinger comes first and the explanation is what follows. In this article, the title may…

The Bible Speaks of Terrorism

Americans have a generally weak understanding of sound Biblical theology. This is evidenced in our academic curriculum, movie and media depictions of God, the church and ministers, and in the common wisdom of the day. We have many books and…

Speaking Truth in a Wrong World

Pilate asked Christ, “What is truth?” but he refused to listen to His answer. Christ had said earlier, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He was then, He is today, and will be tomorrow. A lie doesn’t…

LGBT AGENDA: 10 Things You Need To Know

I recently spoke at a community college in Southern California demonstrating that faith and science are not at odds: In posts leading up to the event, I was labeled a “hate pastor” as LGBT activists protested the event. Sadly, due…

Don’t Worship Government, Worship God’

“Seize the moment” was the theme for the 2017 Values Voter Summit, and it’s safe to say that this galvanizing mood was contagious throughout the whole weekend. A renewed spirit of optimism about America’s future was present at this year’s…

When a Nation Legalizes and Celebrates Sin

Sin has been with us since the fall of Adam and Eve, humans are corrupt, bankrupt and completely fallen and unable to deliver themselves. All generations find sins and sinners in varying degrees both repetitive and of irregular occasion, in…

Rejection of Christians

One of the clearest teachings found in the New Testament is this: if you throw your lot in with Jesus Christ, commit to being his follower, and decide to proclaim him wherever you go, you will be hated on. There…