Tag: Elections

What Was It Like When Men Were Free?

Retired Lt.Coll William G. Boyd, a decorated former Delta Force Commander, U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and a Purple Heart recipient reminds us how previous our freedoms truly are and explains the steps used by revolutionaries to bring…

Defiance Is A Virtue

Defiance is a virtue unto itself.  It is its own means and its own end.  Wherever people seek truth and honor, no consequence is foreboding enough to stop them. In August 1920 the Red Army, led by the Bolshevik, rolled…

Franklin County Needs A New Sheriff

Is it time for a change in the Franklin County Sheriff’s department?     While Sheriff Bill Overton has, on the surface, made some significant changes in the daily operations of the department,  without some background information, one might think he has…

Replace John McCain

Thirty years of cutting deals with the Democrats is not enough for Senator McCain; he wants six more. There are few Republicans who have betrayed our conservative principles more than John McCain. He wrote the McCain-Kennedy and “Gang of Eight”…

It’s Better To Go Down Fighting

Is there a new conservative playbook for the 2016 elections? If we follow New Hampshire’s lead, for the first time in many years conservatives may actually have a voice in the presidential nominee. Sick of the string of centrist GOPers…

The Luster of Adoration Wears Thin

Aah, the life of a president!  It’s not all golf, parties, and fundraising. The office of president requires real work, preferably for the country, and the ability to lead from a position of power.   Obama, who thought he was elected King, figured he…

Common Liberal Myths

A hallmark of progressive politics is the ability to hold fervent beliefs, in defiance of evidence, that explain how the world works. Kate Bachelder, an Assistant Editorial features editor at the WSJ, on October 30, gave us a list of…

Are You Better Off?

As you head to the polls to vote next Tuesday, ask yourself – Aam I better off today, has the quality of life improved since the left took control? When you look at the overall economic devastion under leftist rule, it is easy…


Debate or a Comedy Show? Idaho Gubernatorial debate While current Governor Butch Otter, second from the right, and state senator Russ Fulcher, on the right, are considered to be the serious candidates, two others were allowed in the debate. Walt…

Hillary Clinton Is Radioactive

Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Hillary Clinton just lost $6 billion of your taxpayer money. Six billion dollars! That’s billion with a “B.” Six billion dollars is “unaccounted for” under her management at the State Department. More on that later.…