Tag: healthcare

A Blanket Hardship Amnesty

Thank God, for a while Americans were worried, but now, thanks to more Obama tinkering, we know that when Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, it wasn’t a “real law,” only a suggestion. It doesn’t matter that Obama’s Justice Department  argued before the Supreme Court…

Big Pharma: Discredit Multivitamins – Sell More Drugs

An editorial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a pro-pharma  publication almost entirely funded by pharmaceuticals, reports a new study claiming Vitamins don’t work. To make certain multivitamin failed to produce positive results, these studies are universally structured so that they are based on…

To Conquer, First Disarm

Vice President Joe Biden has signed  off on $100 million in taxpayer money to be divided between Health & Human Services and ObamaCare to fund mental health care in new community centers in rural areas.  “The fact that less than half of children…

AARP: A Fortune 500 Nonprofit

Over the last three decades, AARP has gone from a nonpartisan non-profit advocate for Seniors to becoming an appendage of the Democratic Party. AARP endorsed ObamaCare, telling Seniors they were doing so because of the spiraling prescription drug costs, discriminatory practices by…

Watching Obama UnRavel

“The White House sits in a city that has become addicted to its own adrenaline. It is in a perpetual swivet stoked by media for which every inter-institutional dust-up is a crisis.” George F. Wills, ‘How a President Unravels’ Rep.…

Lap-Dog Media Discovers ObamaCare

Take heart, America.  The far-left lapdog media suddenly discovered there might be a few problems with ObamaCare. Hot Air is reporting that  Brian Williams of the NBC Nightly News is  sending investigative reporters to look into the “fine print” of Obamacare.…

Man Who Wrote Obamacare

Western Journalism – Some of us knew from day one. Others took a while to honestly look at what Obamacare is; still, others have dug in and decided to fight the truth. None of what they say now matters; Obamacare…

Patient Based Health Care Reform

“Obamacare is not just a battle in a cultural war being waged in America it is a battle  between the American value system and Leftism.  Lovers of America as an abstraction may be found on both sides, but it truly is…

Obamacare is to Enslave the U.S. Citizens

The unspoken success of Obamacare By Douglas J. Hagmann November 2013: Despite what you are being told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, is already proving to be a resounding success. The problem, however, is that…

Leftist Values Based On The Collective

American values are deeply steeped in the precepts of the Bible and our Judaeo-Christian traditions.  Leftist values are based on the collective and statist values of Marixsm.  Line item by line item in all 3000 pages of Obamacare attacks the…

Oblivious To The Truth

“Evil and incompetence are almost always intertwined.  As to justify its behaviour, evil has to continually rationalize away the truth.  To do so requires habitual lying about that which reality consists.  When done long enough, the ability to recognize reality…