Tag: healthcare

Found Inside McDonald’s McNuggets

We found dark black hair-like structures sticking out of the nugget mass, as well as light blue egg-shaped structures with attached tail-like hairs or fibers. We also found odd red coloring splotches in several locations, as well as a spherical green object…

Economic Reality Bites!

Reality Bites!!   Obama says he wants to help the middle class, increase employment, provide everyone with health insurance and turn water into wine. Just listen to his speeches –  and ignore reality. There are jobs and then there are “jobs.”   Business…

McCain Crawls In Bed With The Left

There is a new  website calling for a grassroots effort to recall Arizona Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain based on their support for Obama’s amnesty agenda.   McCain was only recently added to the recall. According to the site, McCain’s betrayal of Arizona voters…

Vaccines – What You Should Know

by Sandy Lunoe Doctor, you strongly recommend vaccines, so you should surely be able to tell us about the ingredients. No doubt you have studied the product information, so what is your opinion about secret and unknown substances in vaccines?…

Death By Cow, or Pig, or Chicken

Despite  growing evidence that feeding antibiotics to livestock can pose serious risks to humans, the FDA, long known to be in bed with big pharmaceutical and chemical companies, has done little to regulate the practice.  Currently 80% of the antibiotic market is used…

IRS Wants Exemption From ObamaCare Exchange

The IRS is  more than willing to force you to comply  with ObamaCare mandates and to tax you if you don’t but their representative, the  National Treasury Employee Union is “suggesting” that none of its members – 100,000 of which work for…

Cannabis Weed Oil a Miracle Drug

  There is documented proof that Cannabis oil cures many diseases including cancer. How to make Rick Simpson Hemp Oil   My name is Rick Simpson. I have been providing people with instructions on how to make Hemp Oil medicines for about…

America’s Shadow Government

With the election of Obama in 2008, and members of the Shadow Party playing central roles, the White House began to roll out an ideological agenda that included many of George Soros’ signature “concerns.” Only a few days into Obama’s…

Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Defund Obamacare

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill in the Senate to defund Obamacare and slammed President Obama for revising his health-care policy strategy in order to win the 2014 midterm elections. Cruz is currently spearheading the Defund Obamacare…

Spinning the Death Of Medicare

The 2013  Medicare Trustees Annual Report was recently published, all 280 pages of it.  Hoping the average citizen will not take the time to read it, our government has been in  Spin heaven. According to the government, every thing is…