Tag: healthcare

The Disaster That Is ObamaCare Nears

Words out that Obama plans on enlisting Hollywood to sell his ObamaCare implementation.  If they do join his cheerleading squad, it’ll only prove what a bunch of hypocrites they really are. Hollywood is awash with fear of what ObamaCare will do…

The UnAvoidable, UnAffordable Job Killer

It isn’t just those “greedy” capitalists that are trying to skirt Obamacare’s abusive mandates.  Local governments across the country have been quietly doing exactly the  same thing.   The result is that part-time government workers, many of them low-income, now face pay cuts…

Congressman – Thy Name Is Hypocrite

Boehner and Reid have been meeting behind closed doors with the Obama administration for the last several months to discussion how they can exempt themselves and their staffers from the required ObamaCare mandate of purchasing their health insurance through an exchange,…

A Lethal Dose of Unaffordable Socialism

Affordability.  It was a central premise – and promise – of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare)  when the law was debated in Congress throughout 2009 and signed into law on March 23, 2010. In his remarks that…

Another Over-Hyped Pandemic Flu Drill

If we are to believe recent reports, a new more easily transmittable strain of bird flu has emerged in China, reportedly killing 22 people since its discovery in March.   According to a World Health Organization (WHO) spokesperson, the strain is…

Who Is Watching Our Children?

The sexual abuse and exploitation of children is one of the most vicious crimes conceivable, a violation of mankind’s most basic duty to protect the innocent. Scott Richard Swirling, who was the director of the National Family Planning & Reproductive…

The Republicans Did It!

Democrats shoved an unpopular, expensive, ill-conceived and poorly written  law down the country’s throat without  Republican support, and without bothering  to see whether states would want to take on the thankless and costly task of  helping the feds implement it.  …

ObamaCare: Marketing Sex To Kindergarten

While the White House says sequestration has eliminated funds for children touring the White House, President Obama has no problem spending $350 million federal tax dollars under ObamaCare for sexual indoctrination programs starting in kindergarten for those same children.  This…