Tag: jobs

EPA Sabotaging Energy Production

Comments on the EPA proposed Carbon Pollution Standards  for  New Power Plants by Bonner R. Cohen, Ph. D. on behalf of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, on February 6, 2014. There are two reasons why the EPA’s war against coal…

RINOs Gearing Up For Amnesty

The far-left radical National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVED) have launched the initial phase of their “Mobilize to Vote 2014” a joint effort to register  new Hispanic voters before the midterm election. LaRaza, is…

The Incredible Shrinking Middle Class

Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee,  issued a  statement  in response to President Obama’s speech on the decline in economic conditions for U.S. workers. It is shocking for the President to give a speech about…

Goverment Fakes Unemployment Figures

The New York Post  reports that in the final weeks of the 2012 presidential campaign, the drop in the unemployment rate from 8.1% to 7.8% was manipulated, a nice way of saying falsified.  A full  two years before the presidential election, the Census…

Obama’s Secret Trade Treaty on Steroids

You have to pass the bill in order to find out what’s in it.  Sound familiar?   Unfortunately, this time it is much worse than ObamaCare, if that is even possible, it’s a trade treaty on steroids, another potential disaster from a proven liar that…

Companies Push Amnesty For Profit

The Bi-Partisan Policy Center (BPC), which ‘functions’  as the far-left mouthpiece of multinational corporations, recently released their report on the benefits of comprehensive immigration reform [amnesty] at a U.S. Chamber of Commerce event. It goes without saying that the report, along with…

Sacrificing America On The Altar of Socialism

Typical of Obama’s reign, he has once again by-passed Congress in a not-so-veiled partnership with that loveable Socialist organization, the U.N.,  to shove the global warming redistribution scam down our throats. Ignoring the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Obama’s executive order said…

House RINOs Team With Democrats To Push Amnesty

The U.S. Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Services (ICE) are expressing strong concerns over Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-VA and other House RINOs for pushing amnesty for 11 million plus illegal aliens. Kenneth Palinkas, USCIS Council President warned Goodlatte, Paul Ryan, Eric…

Who Loves You Baby? Hint: It Ain’t Congress

According to Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama  “the least discussed but most important feature of the Gang of Eight’s immigration plan is its arrangement with certain business groups to provide them with multiple avenues to avoid hiring U.S. workers by bringing…

Who Needs A Job When You Have Disability Insurance?

SSDI (disability insurance) was originally created as a “modest” safety net aimed at helping severely disabled workers who were close to retirement age.  But Congress being Congress, in order to secure reelection and reward lobbyist and donors, greatly expanded eligibility to include claims…

The Renewable Holy Grail Scam

So-called renewable energy is not clean, renewable, reliable, affordable or sustainable according to Craig Rucker and Duggan Flanakin.  (You can read the article in full at the link provided). As Obama and his green zealots are waging a war to…

The Quote of the Decade

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America ‘s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. it is a sign that the US government cannot pay its own bills.  It is a sign that we now…