Tag: jobs

The Disaster That Is ObamaCare Nears

Words out that Obama plans on enlisting Hollywood to sell his ObamaCare implementation.  If they do join his cheerleading squad, it’ll only prove what a bunch of hypocrites they really are. Hollywood is awash with fear of what ObamaCare will do…

Amnesty Saturated In Fraud and Treachery

Americans properly foresee the ramifications of a fully legally empowered invasion of foreigners with no ties to our nation’s past and no interest in its future and what such an upheaval will mean to those currently living here. The latest…

The Free Market, R.I.P.

The reality is sad but true – the free market in America died a long time ago. You can not have planned structures, monopolized production or controlled capital flow within an economy and still claim it to be a “free…

Illegal Immigrants Help Foster Income Inequality

“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all Republics.” Plutarch Economists point to three particularly important drivers of the recent trend in income inequality – off Shoring and immigration, both related to globalization trends…

Speak Up For The Keystone Pipeline

As is typical with the Obama administration, anything they wish to sneak by the public is usually released late on Friday.   This last Friday proved to be no different. The U.S. State Department released its draft report on the proposed…

The Year Of The Snake

Do Asian Soothsayers know something we don’t? As they bid farewell to the Year of the Dragon, the fortune tellers warn that the “black water snake” that emerges to replace it on February 10 — the first day of the…

Wake Up America: It Is Now Or Never

In 1981 the CIA published a report of its assessment of the Russian economy, concluding that in the USSR economic prospects were “gloomier and policy choices more difficult than at any time since Stalin’s death.” “During the past few years,…

“Slick” Willie to the Rescue

My personal take on Bill’s Speech You know things are bad for team Obama when they have to depend on Obama’s arch rival to woo the voters back to the flock. What could possibly be more appropriate than having an impeached liar, endorse another…

The Mark of Tim Kaine

Virginia already has one liberal Senator in Mark Warner – do we really need another one?   Wasn’t 4 years enough? Tim Kaine, former Democratic Governor of Virginia,  is an Obama “want-a-be”.    He has been Obama’s biggest cheerleader doing “what the President…