Tag: Obamacare

Obamacare is to Enslave the U.S. Citizens

The unspoken success of Obamacare By Douglas J. Hagmann November 2013: Despite what you are being told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, is already proving to be a resounding success. The problem, however, is that…

Liars for reelection in 2014

After being  exposed by NBC, it was revealed that Obama knowingly and purposefully LIED to the American people about the effects of the Obamacare law. Here are 13 other liberal Democrats running for election in 2014 that knew you’d lose your health…

Healthcare Mash

Trick or Treatment? Remy channels Bobby “Boris ” Pickett for this Healthcare.gov-Halloween mash-up.  Written and performed by Remy. Video by Sean Malone. 

Advice to Business Owners

Comedian and conservative political commentator Dennis Miller has some advice for small-business owners who say Obamacare is causing them to lay off workers: Fire Obama supporters and tell them you wanted Obamacare well you got it. Dennis Miller Explains

Equal to Slavery

WashingtonTimes – Dr. Ben Carson:  Obamacare is “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.” “It is slavery because it aims to make all of us subservient to the government,” he said. “It was never about health care.…