Tag: Obamacare

Dead Kentuckians and Obamacare

Theblacksphere On occasion, government has been known to send money to dead people in the form of welfare, farm subsidies, and Social Security benefits. Then, mysteriously, dead people have found a way to cash those checks. For that reason alone,…

America Held Hostage with Obamacare

Obamacare Fines to be Seized From Bank Accounts? infowars – A man who attempted to sign up for Obamacare online was told that a fine of over $4,000 dollars a year for refusing to take out mandatory health insurance could…

A Foreign Operative

Obama Is A Foreign Operative Mychal Massie – by Dan Bubalo Ted Cruz is, technically speaking, “the freshman Senator from Texas.” Mr. Cruz is a lot of things, but he’s hardly a freshman.  He single-handedly has given Harry Reid a case of…

Cult of Liberalism

  by Jeannie DeAngelis – clashdaily Liberals are always the first ones to deride and mock people of faith. To those on the left, all religions are equivalent to a cult. Yet, secular or not, liberals themselves are the most…

Got Good Healthcare?

Kevin Jackson ObamaCare Will Cure Every Damn Thing ObamaCare is the grand placebo. All you have to do is BELIEVE. According to the man the Left deems the “smartest president ever,” we can spend our way out of debt, increase…

A danger to your health and wallet

Can the IRS be responsible for our healthcare? What sorts of rationing will ensue? Are there going to be death panels? As Obamacare begins to take full effect, listen to Zo’s straight talk on the Affordable Care Act, which seems…

ObamaCare Forced Home Inspection Raids

The fine print of Obamacare says “The 4th Amendment be damned, we’re coming into your house when we feel like it.” There is no other way to interpret what the allowable government raids of otherwise law abiding American homes will…

And The Lies Continue

Mychal Massie If Obama were Pinocchio his nose would have stretched twice around the earth and would now be snorting dust on the dark side of the moon. The man takes lying to levels heretofore unwitnessed. On “This Week With…

$100 per day fine

 Here’s Obamacare – October 1, 2013 Time is running out. Let you voice be heard! Please call your Congressman and Senators and tell them to stand with, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Justin Amash and Rand Paul, In DE-FUNDING OBAMACARE Tell…

Defund Obamacare – Sign the Petition Now

Obamacare: The Nightmare of your life. Time is running out: Sign The Petition – Tell Congress Don’t Fund It! Why should you sign the petition? Donald Trump explains: Let me get this straight….  We’re going to be “gifted” with a…

“Forced” Home Inspections in Obamacare

“Clearly, any family may be visited by federally paid agents for almost any reason.” According to an Obamacare provision millions of Americans will be targeted. The Health and Human Services’ website states that your family will be targeted if you fall under…