Tag: Obamacare

Where I differ with the NRA

The NRA says that an  article that appeared on TheHill.com asserted that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) is working on a bill with the NRA that would implement universal background checks. The NRA’s response was: NRA does NOT support universal background checks…

Conspiring to Bring Down America – Part I

By Douglas J. Hagmann Part 1 DHS Insider Introduction 23 December 2012: After a lengthy, self-imposed informational black-out, my high-level DHS contact known as “Rosebud” emerged with new, non-public information about plans being discussed and prepared for implementation by the Department…

Defund Obamacare and it Dies

All Congress has to do is defund Obamacare and it’s dead in it’s tracks; where it rightfully belongs. DEAD!! Now let’s see if they will uphold their oath of office and the Constitution. Everyone against Obamacare must contact their representative and…

Defeat Obamacare Senate Candidates

By Neil Stevens Defeat These (Democrat) Senate Candidates Claire McCaskill.  Bob Casey Jr.  Sherrod Brown.  Bill Nelson.  Tammy Baldwin.  Tim Kaine.  These Senators and Senate candidates all support or even voted for Obamacare.  Importantly, they all have Republican opponents who have…

Real Record of Obama

Jack Kelly  When President Barack Obama assumed office, Democrats controlled the Senate, 59-41, and the House, 257-178. Not since 1977 did a president’s party have so large a majority. Democrats could do almost whatever they wanted. What they did was…

AARP no Friend to Seniors

Media Blasts Ryan, Acts as if AARP is Non-Partisan Last week the media was all over Paul Ryan’s visit to an event with the American Association for Retired People gleefully reporting that he was booed. The media treated the whole…