Tag: taxation

Virginia Taxpayers Got The Shaft

A few words from the ‘dark lord of the state GOP Senator William Howell’ regarding the recent screwing of Virginia’s voters by  the  ‘Tax At Any Cost’  crowd.   “This  is a truly historic moment for Virginia. We have passed a bipartisan funding plan that…

Arming Our Racist, Jihadist Enemies

It should be a basic moral axiom of American foreign policy that  we don’t give away advanced weapons to racist, radical, and unstable foreign  governments. In fact, that’s not just morality; it’s common sense. Yet that’s exactly what we’re doing.…

China Buys Sensitive Military Technology

Obama admin approves sale of sensitive military technology to China A Chinese company will take charge of sensitive military and battery technology following the Treasury Department’s decision on Tuesday to permit the sale of a U.S. company that was bankrolled…

America’s Economic Implosion

The economic implosion of Europe is accelerating.  Even while the mainstream media continues to proclaim that the financial crisis in Europe has been “averted”, the economic statistics that are coming out of Europe just continue to get worse. Manufacturing activity…

The Taxman Cometh

“Of all the powers conferred upon government that of taxation is most liable to abuse.”  Supreme Court, Citizens’ Savings & Loan v City of Topeka, 87 U.S. 655  (1874) The power to tax is the most ubiquitous of all government…

Warren Buffett: Dupe of The Year?

Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science,  “Dupe of the Year 2012,” originally published at The American Spectator.  You can read the article in full at this link. Dupes comprise a long, dubious tradition in American history. Over 200 years ago,…

“It’s About Fairness?” Really?

  Obama says EVERYONE MUST pay their fair share in Taxes. To the Obama administration and the RHINOs, EVERYONE does not include those who refuse to work and leach off of those who do work. Obama says it’s about FAIRNESS.…

Even Republicans Can’t Be Trusted

Judge Napolitano: Republicans Did Opposite Of What They Were Elected For Judge Napolitano didn’t mince words this morning as he reacted to the vote on Fox and Friends, saying that Republicans “caved” last night, an action that is “churning the…

The Fiscal Cliff Oink!

Once again, America has been fed another pile of manure.  In the pretense of avoiding the “fiscal cliff” Congress could not avoid doing what it does best – wasting taxpayer dollars. Stuffed within the “deal” that Charles Krauthammer calls  a…

Let The ObamaCare Tax Nightmare Begin

Welcome to 2013.  Today,  regardless of the outcome of fiscal cliff negotiations,   Americans will be hit with a $1 trillion Obamacare tax hike.    Plan accordingly. The five major Obamacare taxes taking effect on January 1 are: 1)    The Obamacare Medical Device…

Economics 101: 2012 In Retrospect

The federal government has closed out its fourth straight year of trillion-dollar-plus deficits, and the imperative to rein in spending has never been greater. Because all government spending gets paid for through either taxes or borrowing—both of which burden the…

Class Warfare On Steroids

Obama’s main goal in the fiscal cliff negotiations is to impose a class-warfare tax hike, presumably thinking this  will give the government more money to spend.  But,  recent evidence from the United Kingdom suggests that he won’t get nearly as…