Month: September 2012

Stop Making Excuses For Muslims!

Mychal Massie Muslims, radical or otherwise, have not only once again murdered an innocent American, but once again they have shed the blood on American soil. And true to their ghastly form, they paraded the body of our slain countryman…

Ambassador Raped Before Murdered

This report just broke from an Arabic site called “Lebanon News.”The Arabic Lebanon News ( is the number one Lebanese online news site(ranked number eight of all sites in the nation) and has significant coverage throughout the Arab world. What…

Wuss Alert: Obama Apologizes Again

A mob of Egyptian protesters scaled the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo Tuesday.  They  pulled down the American flag and tried to replace it with a black flag of the Muslim Brotherhood with the words “There is no…

Worshipping at the Altar of Political Correctness

Political Correctness is a dangerous form of censorship,  it is the suppression of  individual thought and opinion by the ruling “elite.”  Americans have become  paralyzed by political correctness to the point we can’t see the danger in front of our faces. One…

Taxpayers Get The Shaft – Again!

In a “up yours” jester to American taxpayers,  on 9/5 the US Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded a $20 million contract to a Jakarta based Indonesian International Education Foundation to enable 100 “emerging” Indonesian leaders to pursue Masters and…

DNC Platform: Shoving America Off A Cliff

The Democratic Party platform was released late last Monday night to little fanfare.  Most of what you have read  concerned the uproar over the elimination of God,  the knife to Israel’s heart, the joyous celebration of murdering innocent babies,  and  the…

Pro-Choice As Long As Your Choice Is Abortion

Tuesday, during the Democratic Party Convention, a small group of liberals gathered to defend Obama’s contraception mandate and “not allow Conservative politicians and religious leaders to redefine the meaning of religious liberty.” Sara Hutchinson of Catholics for Choice, enlightened the…

Government at Work. They Steal!

Family’s $80 Million Gold Coin Collection Belongs to Uncle Sam A judge has ruled that ten rare gold coins worth roughly $80 million belong to the U.S. government, not the family that possessed them, according to ABC News. In 2003…