Day: October 13, 2012

Wake Up America: It Is Now Or Never

In 1981 the CIA published a report of its assessment of the Russian economy, concluding that in the USSR economic prospects were “gloomier and policy choices more difficult than at any time since Stalin’s death.” “During the past few years,…


I am going to talk of controversial things.  I make no apology for this. It’s time we asked ourselves if we still know the freedoms intended for us by the Founding Fathers. James Madison said, “We base all our experiments on the…

Joe Biden: Lewd, Rude and Crude

During the Thursday night debate, ‘anyway the wind blows’ Joe, provided the American citizens with an eye opening revelation of his true self. Unmistakably, Joe proved himself an ‘Obama Boy’ groupie. As I watched Joe’s condescending, arrogrant and overbearing attitute come to life, I thought how proud the…