Day: October 2, 2012

Fraudulent Polling by Phone

Want to know why the polls show Obama in the lead? Today 10/2/12, a friend of mine received a survey phone call about the upcoming election. First they ask her race, age and then if she were Republican, Democrat or Independent.…

Gaming The Presidential Polls

Most Americans have heard the weekly and sometimes daily voter polls letting us know there is no need to vote because Obama has it sewed up.  But few  treally understand how  statistics can be “gamed” to fit an agenda. The…

A Look at Eric Holder’s Past

In 1970, during his Freshman year at Columbia University, Eric Holder, along with a black student’sgroup being described by the university as  “armed”, participated in a 5-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps [ROTC]. Holder among the Student Afro-American…

Citizen “vs” Subject

  “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” On Friday night, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) spoke at the Palm Beach…