Day: October 28, 2012

October Meeting

The Patriots meeting will be Monday Otctober 29th, 2012 at the Franklin Franklin Public Library Beginning at 5:45 PM in the Large upstairs meeting room.   This will be a “Monday Night At The Movies” Event We will be showing…

October Meeting

The Patriots meeting will be Monday Otctober 29th, 2012 at the Franklin Franklin Public Library Beginning at 5:45 PM in the Large upstairs meeting room.   This will be a “Monday Night At The Movies” Event Will be showed the…

When Did God Make Man Judge?

A recent article by Franklin Graham asked  “Can An Evangelical Christian Vote For A Mormon?”   Graham’s answer – YES “Historically Christians have voted for candidates of different faiths, including Mormon, based on how they live their lives and how…

Decree For America

A “Decree for America” was written by Pastor Aaron Fruh of Knollwood Church in Mobile, Alabama, in response to the Democratic Platform that called for taxpayer funded murder of innocent children on demand,  dissolving the biblical definition of marriage and…