Month: January 2013

Will Bill Bolling Leave The GOP?

According to the Washington Post, Virginia Gov. Lt. Bill Bolling (R) sent out a mass e-mail this week running through the state’s legislative agenda. He concluded this way: “As you know, when I suspended my campaign for the Republican Party’s…

Letter To General Powell

I was disappointed with the clear implication in your Meet The Press interview that those of us, in the GOP who defend life, protect traditional marriage and advance religious liberty are intolerant. It was obvious to anyone who watched the…

The Brady Bunch Bill

Doug Giles offers up a sensible solution that the democrats should embrace  –  The Brady Bunch Bill that would prohibit the procreation of irresponsible people. As most of you know, Vice President Joe Biden has been appointed by Obama to…

Enviro Nazis Are Holding America Hostage

Quoting  Elizabeth Nickson,  “for some people  Environmentalism has replaced a belief in God and faith, and that astonishing gift that is Judeo-Christian belief.” Much of the environmental regulations in the U.S. stem from the United Nations and more specifically, from its…

Warning: Disable Java

With an eye on the security of millions of Internet users, the US Department of Homeland Security is advising Americans to temporarily disable Java, a software commonly used in Web-browser programs. It’s not that Java itself contains a malicious computer…

What Happened To The Party of Lincoln?

What happened to the GOP?   When did they merge with the Democratic Party?   Neil Cavuto of Fox Business,  after watching Spelberg’s “Lincoln,” had a few choice words for the GOP. “So I finally got around to seeing Steven Spielberg’s movie,…

Warren Buffett: Dupe of The Year?

Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science,  “Dupe of the Year 2012,” originally published at The American Spectator.  You can read the article in full at this link. Dupes comprise a long, dubious tradition in American history. Over 200 years ago,…

In Muslim Countries Christianity Is A Death Sentence

On Christmas eve, while you were tucking your children into bed or attending midnight  mass,  Christians  in Nigeria were murdered in their church pews celebrating the peace of Christ.  The attackers, Boko Haram, a militant Muslim terrorist organization,  broke through the church doors…

Preachers need a backbone

Daily Rant Contributing Author Pastor Steve Nash The Black Robed Regiment was the name that the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the mid 18th century.  Significantly, the British blamed the Black Robed Regiment for the…

More Fingers and Toes

There are times you just have to laugh at the absurdity that has become the norm in America. A teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of…

Gun Interview You’ve Been Waiting For

theBlaze – Not one to shy away from his support for the Second Amendment, Ted Nugent (i.e. the infamous “Motor City Madman”) during an interview on the Peter Schiff radio show Tuesday threw himself headfirst into the gun control debate.…