Month: January 2013

Jail Feds Who Violate The 2nd Amendment

Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Missouri, Indiana, Tennesee, Oklahoma, North Dakota and Wyoming have proposed legislation to jail federal officials who violate the second amendment.  The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act is a state-level bill that renders all federal gun laws, regulations,…

H.R. 226 – IRS Gun Confiscation Bill

Citizens File 10 Articles Of Impeachment/IRS credit to citizens who allow government to confiscate their firearms. On January 13, 2013, H.R. 226 was introduced in the House of Representatives by Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro. The bill will amend the…

Virginia Democrats Jump On The Gun Ban Wagon

Virginia Sen. Adam P. Ebbin (D-Alexandria) and Del. Patrick A. Hope (D-Arlington) pushing for stricter gun laws made an undercover video of themselves buying a gun  without undergoing criminal background checks. The sales were perfectly legal under Virginia law, which…

The Obama conspiracy & U.S. takeover

By Douglas J. Hagmann 16 January 2013: The Constitutional government of the United States has been overthrown, and the American people have been captured. The only question now is what are we, as true  Americans believing that our Constitution is…

Clarification of Obama’s 23 Executive Orders

In an effort to clarify President Beaurat Obama’s “23 ways to look like I’m doing something while actually doing nothing on Gun Control‚” Executive Orders; I will use my 30 years of Law Enforcement experience to give a “Cop-on-the-beat‚” interpretation…

The Taxman Cometh

“Of all the powers conferred upon government that of taxation is most liable to abuse.”  Supreme Court, Citizens’ Savings & Loan v City of Topeka, 87 U.S. 655  (1874) The power to tax is the most ubiquitous of all government…

DSA: Know Your Enemy

The battle for control of our nation, the battle against the evils that would destroy America can only be won if we identify the enemy and expose the tactics they employ. The Democratic Socialists of America which bills itself as…

Using Children, Exactly How Hitler Did It

Mychal Massie Politicians feast on the ignorance of the people and the short memory span of the public as a whole. People forget that while Hitler was posing for staged photo-sessions, hugging children and laughing with them, he was having…

A Psychiatric Police State

by Jon Rappoport It’s a done deal. Governor Cuomo, along with Democrat and Republican legislators, is ramming through a bill to restrict gun ownership, re-classify weapons in order to ban them—and, in a far-reaching move, create psychiatrists as cops who…

America’s New god

I was around nine years old when dad took me to see the movie, “The Ten Commandments” starring Charlton Heston at the Town Theater in downtown Baltimore. It was a big deal for us because the theater had just begun…

Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Obama

Articles of Impeachment have been filed against Obama by Alexander Emric Jones, January 15, 2013.   “He has clearly communicated his intent to eviscerate the second amendment rights of American citizens by  pursuing executive orders to curtail the right to keep and…

GMOs: The Anti-Human Technology

A new German study by the Institute of Bacteriology and Mycology examined the effects of  glyphosate, the active agent in Monsanto’s  herbicide Roundup, on the gut microbes of poultry.   Some birds are heavily  exposed to glyphosate when fed genetically engineered…