Month: January 2013

The Agenda: Which side are you on?

The war we face is not just about guns. It’s about our survival as a nation and the fate of our children, grandchildren and future generations. Which side of history will you be on? By Douglas J. Hagmann 10 January…

Lawmakers Propose Legisation to Protect Gun Owners

Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation to protect gun owners from a federal firearm ban. K2Radio reported: Several Wyoming lawmakers are proposing legislation designed to protect gun-owners from any potential federal firearm ban. The “Firearms Protection Act” bill, introduced this week,…

In the footsteps of Hitler

Obama to follow in footsteps of Hitler, Stalin with ‘executive order’  disarmament of the American people NaturalNews) It’s official. President Obama is going to march America down the  dark halls of history by following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler,…

January 19th: Gun Appreciation Day

We have never had a president who so callously disregards the Constitution, Congress, the courts, and the will of the American people. We at Political Media, along with coalition members the Second Amendment Foundation, Committee for the Right to Keep…

Superstorms Are Not Man Made – Bad Politics Are

Paul Driessen The Political Superstorm that Devastated New York – Incompetence, stupidity, diversion, blame shifting  and false solutions to imaginary problems. “Superstorm” Sandy killed more than 100 people, destroyed thousands of homes and businesses, and left millions without food, water,…

Bill to remove presidential term limits

New York Democratic Rep. José Serrano introduced H.J.Res. 15, a proposal to repeal the Twenty-second Amendment to the Constitution.  The Twenty-second amendment — passed in 1947 and ratified by the states three years later established term limits on the presidency.…

Virginia Fighting Back Against Agenda 21

Last summer,  Martha Boneta, owner of Liberty Farms in the northern village of Paris,  Fauquier County, Virginia, was  threatened with nearly $5,000 in fines for selling produce and crafts and  throwing unlicensed events, including a birthday party for her best…

Enviro-Nazis Attack Family Farm

In 2009 Kathy Phillips, a Waterkeeper Alliance attorney, and a reporter for the Wall Street Journal flew over the poultry and cattle farm owned by Alan Hudson  and his wife, taking photographs during the flight.  She  concluded there was a large…

More Than A Disease “Liberalism”

Mychal Massie Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D. authored a book titled “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” The book is a treatise pursuant to “modern liberalism’s irrationality being the product of psychopathology: a massive transference neurosis acted…

It’s The Washington Way

If you pay close attention, you’ll see that nearly every substantive bill the Senate passes harms you and your family through more spending, higher taxes, and more regulations. It’s the Washington way. And I wish this was limited to when…


Townhall – Star Parker   Here’s two ways to think about the “fiscal cliff” deal that just took place in Washington. You are sitting at dinner and television is on, broadcasting the news. There is one story after another about…