Author: Rretta

The Bogyman Crisis

Let’s face it, our track record as human beings is not great. We see the bogeyman in every shadow but cannot recognize the forest for the trees. For example let’s take global warming or climate change or whatever they’re calling…

When They Say Peace, Destruction Comes

A historical meeting between Pope Francis and Sunni Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb has resulted in the signing of a covenant between Catholics and Muslims, witnessed by religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judaism and other faiths, that calls for peace between nations,…

Trump vs. The Swamp

The election of Donald J. Trump to the presidency shocked the political establishment, triggering a wave of hysteria among the bicoastal elite that may yet never subside. The biggest shockwaves of all were felt in the halls of the political…

The Big Bang Prequel

“The scientist has scaled the mountain of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; and when he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”…

Pity the Poor Billionaire

“Pity the poor billionaire, for today he feels a new and unsettling emotion: fear. The world order he once clung to is crumbling faster than the value of the pound. In its place, he frets, will come chaos. Remember this,…

Now They Are Killing America

The left is winning, but for the left winning is indistinguishable from dying. The embargo didn’t turn Cuba into a hellhole whose main tourism industry was inviting progressive Canadian pedophiles to rape its children. Castro did that with the help…

The Serpent

It is impossible to comprehend what God is trying to tell us without rightly dividing the Word, without knowing the subject and object of what we’re reading. You cannot pick up a novel, read a few sentences here and there, and then…

Distinguishing Reality from Fantasy

The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to mankind, but in this age of disinformation, it takes on a special urgency and importance.…

Global Migration Hell

The UN Migration Pact, officially named the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, represents a catastrophic dismantling of key components of democratic institutions by the United Nations, a body that has increasingly allied with the Organization of Islamic…


History records a man who lived, a man who 10 generations after a great flood used celestial science to prove the existence of God. He was a skilled scientist, astronomer and mathematician. His astronomical discoveries shook the very foundation of…

Due Process When Everything Is A Crime

Government has become so big and intrusive – Congress has passed so many laws, many unread, – the Justice Department so politicized – that there are few checks and balances left to restrain these petty tyrants. Prosecutorial discretion poses an increasing threat…

A World Without Borders Is A Fantasy

Driving the growing populist outrage in Europe and North America is the global push for a  world without borders.   While the world’s elite  can build walls or switch zip codes to insulate themselves from the consequences of allowing anyone and…

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Do you remember the story of Narcissus, that handsome Greek fellow  punished by the gods for his indifference and disdain toward others? Narcissus fell in love with his own beauty, and unable to tear himself away from his own reflection in…