Author: Rretta

The Bolsheviks Are Inside The Gate

I have said for 20 years that the next American Revolution or Civil War will be started by the Left. Today, more than ever, that belief has solidified. The Bolsheviks are inside the gate and the objective is the death…

Indoctrinating Our Children To Accept Islam

While jihadists across the globe are busy slitting throats, American school children are being taught that “jihad” is an inner struggle and that Islam means “peace.” While Muslims gang rape teenage girls in England, American school children are taught that…


Secularists and Socialists have been trying to kill Christianity since the turn of the century. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche a German philosopher from the 19th century coined the phrase, “the death of God”.  Not that Nietzsche  believed in an actual God…

We are Fed Up!!!!!!

We the people are tired of being told what to think and what we should tolerate, condone and endorse. We are tired of seeing Christianity bashed, God blasphemed, perversion praised and prayer and religion expelled from public and government life.…

The Religion of Me!

What is racism?  According to the United Nations it is “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin.”   Webster’s dictionary defines it as discrimination based on the belief that some races are by…

The Christian Taliban? Get Real!

“Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces. . . These days, when ANYone attempts to…

Postmodernism: A Confession of Despair

Tolerance of other views is one of the pillars of postmodernism. However, there is one group of people to whom this tolerance is not extended – those who believe truth to be important!” Postmodernism is a philosophical movement that finds…

Live and Let Live Is Not Enough

It’s not enough anymore to simply live and let live. Like many of my generation, I was brought up that way. Others may behave in a manner with which I do not agree. Others may even behave in a manner…

A World Without Borders

A world without borders is the dream of the global elite; a dream that will destroy culture, sovereignty, nationalism and individualism; a dream that allows the global elite to divide and enslave, under the banner of Socialism. That was the purpose…

Climate Change is a No-Win for the Elite

Relentless opportunists, third-rate academics, carbon-market scam artists and peddlers of catastrophic prophecy are refusing to give up on the global warming scam. Once the “elite” discovered the road to personal wealth and power with the creation of a constant state…

The Miracle of Creation

The human body is the most complicated machine in the world.  We see with it, hear with it, breathe with it, walk and run with it, and sense pleasure with it.  Its bones, muscles, arteries, veins and internal organs are…

Mammography is Outdated and Harmful

“Medical authorities, physician and patient groups, and ‘experts’ everywhere ignore science, and instead repeat history. Wishful conviction over scientific rigor; delusion over truth; form over substance.” David Newman, MD Women are constantly warned that mammograms are the only way to…

The Screw Walmart Act

Communism may be dead in the public sphere, but socialism, the darling of the left, is alive in the many forms of government intervention we see daily in the marketplace. One widely accepted policy – the minimum wage – is…

Not All Conspiracies Are Theories

“Millionaires are the bees that make the honey.”  Andrew Carnegie The names of most of the men who tried to unite the world are well known – There was Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar of the Bible,  Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius…