Tag: education

Is Polygamy The Next Civil Right?

“In the end we will have so remake society, it will have to adjust to us, because it will seem absurd not to. And the only weapon they have against us is fundamentalist religion, in its crudest and rather brutal…

Celebrating Murder

Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival featured a documentary celebrating four abortionists murderers  who dismember babies  in the third trimester of pregnancy.   According to the reviews,  critics in attendance loved it and the  Philadelphia Inquirer boasted it drew “two standing ovations — one…


A new study warns that Christians suffer greater hostility across the world than any other religious group.  The study by Rupert Shortt, a religious editor of The Times Literary Supplement, and a visiting fellow of Blackfriars Hall, Oxford, published by…

Founders Empowered The People’s House

“The House of Representatives remains the most democratic  part of the national constitutional system.” The American people reconfirmed on Nov. 6 that they are content with divided government. While President Obama had  an impressive electoral victory and the Democrats picked up  seats…

Agenda 21: The Trojan Horse

We’ve know for years that the  federal government  was hell-bent on removing any local control and input from average American citizens concerning what you can do with your own land,  private property, local schools, and local infrastructures from bridges to meeting…