Tag: Obama

2015 Escalation of Events – Signs

By: Brandon T. Ward 2015 the year fear, hype and deception went into overdrive. But lo and behold, we made it to 2016. We made it through the “Tetred”, an event many claimed was a “clear sign from God” the…


By Roseann Salanitri – The Daily Rant The Bible contains the history of many interesting men and women – some because of their heroism and great faith, others because of their evil nature. Either way, their behavior tells us much about…

Controlled Insanity

“When future historians write about the decline and fall of the United States, they will write of the Orwellian World of Barack Hussein Obama and the gullibility of the masses who suffered under his tyranny.”  Gary Spina Orwellian connotes an…

100 Muslim Per Day Coming Into U.S. …

Months ago, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump implored the American government to push pause on an immigration policy that saw tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants being allowed to pour into the United States even as terror threats continued to…

Everthing Is Now A Mental Illness

How do left-wing goons turn the Second Amendment into a cultural war to deny “unfavorable” classes of people their rights? First, you claim that all returning veterans have post-traumatic syndrome, whether they are being treated for it or not, making…