Tag: taxes

The Party of Compassion – Seriously?

Over the years Democrats have cast themselves as the party of compassion using envy to promulgate class warfare in the name of fairness. They throw out the race card, corporate greed, religious intolerance and social justice to put conservatives on…

It Isn’t About Unpaid Taxes

Remember Biden’s scheme to monitor everyone’s checking account because taxpayers were hiding unreported income? Apparently the peasants and their banks weren’t thrilled with the idea.  Imagine that! In rides Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, with a plan to save…

The Government Family Plan

No amount of money can replace the moral problems that plague society.  John Horvat II Biden, working on the so-called American Families Plan is facing pressure from Pelosi and Bernie Sanders over whether to use the plan to strengthen ObamaCare…

I’ll Be Watching You!

In addition to all the new taxes Biden needs to bankroll his $3.5 trillion budget he wants to give the IRS the right to monitor your  banking accounts.  And it’s more than just an occasional glance to see what’s in…

Be Sure To Thank Your Liberal Neighbors

Elections have consequences and in Virginia those consequences will cut deeply into your pocket book. There are at least 16 bills approved by the 2020 General Assembly which create new taxes or raise existing taxes. If anybody would or could…

Directo a Mexico

Little known to most Americans, but widely used by illegal aliens, a U.S. banking program is helping to funnel billions of dollars out of this country. Launched in 2005 under the reign of G.W. Bush, “Directo a Mexico” provides low-cost…

Living Off the Interest

Depending on who you happen to listen to, some two-thirds, or three-fourths, or nine-tenths of the United States government is illegal — meaning that what it is and what it does it falls outside the limits prescribed by Article I,…

Debt Is The Death of Hope

Debt is about more than just money. It’s about the end of expectations and the death of hope. In a speech at DHS Obama declared that he wants to “replace mindless austerity with smart investments that strengthen America.” Those “smart”…

Take A Toke and Pass It Around!

In a recent interview Obama said that while marijuana use is a bad habit, he doesn’t  believe it’s more dangerous than  alcohol.  He also believes that it is  “important” that the legalization of the drug in some  states  “go forward” because it would prevent…