Month: February 2013

Biggest Driver Of Oil Prices Is The Fed

Right now, the biggest driver of oil prices, or the biggest supporter of ‘high oil prices,’ is not OPEC but it’s really the Federal Reserve, with their policy   of really keeping the value or the cost of money artificially low;…

Senate Passes Violence Against Due Process Act

The Senate voted today (13th) to reauthorize and expand the unconstitutional Violence Against Women Act (S.47).   This bill vitiates due process, interjects the federal government into local law enforcement issues, violates the rights of citizens charged for domestic violence crimes…

Defeat Every Word of Gun Control!

Gun Owners of America Gun Owners of America today submitted testimony at the request of the Ranking Member of the Senate Constitution Subcommittee.  GOA took a strong stance against all the gun control legislation on the table and urged the…

Looting Pension Funds

As Margaret Thatcher observed, sooner or later socialists run out of other people’s money. But the looting won’t stop until they have stolen your last penny. Did you expect to have a secure retirement after working your whole life? Sucker:…

Burn Down Dorner’s Cabin

“Alright, we’re gonna go ahead with the plan with the burners,” one officer says. “Copy,” replies another. “Like we talked about,” the first officer responds. “The burners are deployed, and we have a fire,” says another officer moments later, before…

Obama By The Numbers

You’ve heard the fantasy state of the union and the progressive wish list address  –  now take a look at the actual state of the union – by the numbers. There are 47.5 million Americans on Food Stamps.  22.7 million…

Drones: The Worst Kind of American Nightmare

Charlottesville, Virginia, has just become one of the first cities in the country to  adopt a resolution that  “calls on the United States Congress and the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia to adopt legislation prohibiting information obtained from the domestic…

You Were Warned 50 Years

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” –Vladimir Lenin In the first edition of this three-part series I asserted, as the title suggests, that America was clearly warned about…

Gov. Bobby Jindal Channels Reagan

Governor Bobby Jindal gave a speech  to the Republican National Committee meeting as a rebuttal to Obama’s inaugural speech in January that every conservative needs to read.  He lays out a common sense agenda for the former conservative GOP. While I…

Sequester Is Not A Dirty Word

April 8, 2011,  Washington’s leaders announced that they’d just done something extraordinary. They had agreed to cut the federal budget — and cut it big. “The largest annual spending cut in our history,” President Obama said in a televised speech. …