Month: February 2013

N.Y. Times “Outs” Obama

You know Obama has crossed over the line when The New York Times, that bastion of liberal propaganda, prints a “sensible” op-ed against his policies. “It was disturbing to see the twisted logic of the administration’s lawyers laid out in…

Celebrating Murder

Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival featured a documentary celebrating four abortionists murderers  who dismember babies  in the third trimester of pregnancy.   According to the reviews,  critics in attendance loved it and the  Philadelphia Inquirer boasted it drew “two standing ovations — one…

Permission To Kill

Obama Gives Himself Permission To Kill Judge Andrew P. Napolitano After stonewalling for more than a year federal judges and ordinary citizens who sought the revelation of its secret legal research justifying the presidential use of drones to kill persons…

Government seeks to control the people

  Mychal Massie Rational thinking people, who seem to be overwhelming conservative, have been arguing that writing more gun control laws will do nothing to stop mass murderers.  They recognize that sociopaths like Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, or Harris &…

Democrats Want New Voters – At Any Cost

Amnesty has reared its ugly head again.    We are told that we must allow those who knowingly broke American immigration laws to become U.S. citizens because they deserve it!    Criminals usually deserve imprisonment or at least deportation but thanks…


22 international drug regulatory warnings cite psychiatric drugs causing violent reactions including mania, psychosis, hostility, violence and homicide.   This video highlights the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence, including nearly all recent mass-shootings and school shootings.…

Communist Indoctrination

Txcscopereview – In Texas CSCOPE High Schools Students study about communism and socialism and then create a new flag for a new socialist Nation– Is  the US to be the new socialist nation? Via Common Core Standards, Obama is teaching…

Arming Our Racist, Jihadist Enemies

It should be a basic moral axiom of American foreign policy that  we don’t give away advanced weapons to racist, radical, and unstable foreign  governments. In fact, that’s not just morality; it’s common sense. Yet that’s exactly what we’re doing.…

Biometric ID Cards

Hufffingtonpost – If one part of some lawmakers’ plan for comprehensive immigration reform goes through, Social Security cards could soon come with a fingerprint. Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Thursday that their Senate framework for…