Category: Global Warming

Fossil Fuels: A Non-negotiable Essential

“Anyone who cares about our environment and our climate must recognize that cheap, plentiful, reliable energy is a nonnegotiable essential.”   Alex Epstein, “The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels” Obama  describes the oil industry as a “tyranny.”  Bill McKibben claims that the…

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Obama Has Declared War on Everybody

With Republican winning the Senate, liberal organizations are falling all over each other to have Santa fulfill their 2014 wishes before those mean old Republicans take office. According to Adam Green, cofounder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, “if there…

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Another Czar, How Bad Could He Be?

Ron Klain, our new Ebola Czar, is a political spin doctor with no medical experience. He does, however, have a lot of experience in lying and assisting the current administration with fleecing tax payers. “If this gigantic, lavishly funded government has reached…

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Jail The Skeptics

According to Bruce Waker, in his article A Culture of Incompetence, mendacity has been elevated almost to a secular religion. The left lies with such aplomb that one has to wonder if they truly know when they are lying. The…

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Save The Humans

Global warming, aka, climate change, aka climate disruption, is in scientific collapse. Warming of the Earth stopped 17 years ago, sea ice is expanding, the oceans are not experiencing unusual sea level increases, hurricanes and extreme weather are not becoming…

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Global Warming: How the Scam Began

A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John…

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“Another Way To Skin A Cat”

After Cap and Trade failed to attract even modest traction in Democratic controlled Congress, Obama said that “it was just one way to skin the cat.” Now we know that the cat he referenced was the American consumers as he…

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Keeping The Lights On

(This information provided by Melvin Richardson, Vice-President of J&J Energy, Inc.) Have you noticed the dramatic increase in your electric bills lately?  Your bills are only going to get worse!  It is not the electric companies trying to pocket more…

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The U.N. Apocalyptic Fairy Tale

“A powerful centralized government must take over the means of production and even reproduction.  Family planning is cost effective and should be a primary method to reduce C02 emissions.” University of MD researchers The U.N. has just released the latest…

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The Bogey-Man Cometh, Again

The Obamaites are circling the wagons to fight off those dreaded global warming skeptics while calling for a renewed war on warming and mayhem. On top of his war against coal, Obama has ordered the EPA and the Department of…

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Playing God With Fake Science

Every few years the United Nation’s global warming scientists lay out their “latest faked climate  science” in laymans terms so that policy makers around the world can use it to scam their citizens.   The 2013 report consolidated the typical chicken-little scare that…

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Climate Voodoo

The false science worshippers of global warming can invoke climate voodoo to explain every weather event:  hurricanes, or lack thereof, tornadoes or lack thereof, too much rain, too little rain, high temperatures, low temperatures and basically any event we use…

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