Category: News

New Executive Order expands Homeland Security

On Oct. 26, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands the role and scope of Homeland Security in states and areas across the country.  This order, which establishes a new Security Partnership Council, will have far reaching effects…

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Obama and Known Terrorists

Jewish World Review Obama in cahoots with known terrorists By Diana West A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a column addressing the national scandal that investigation into the security failures and lies surrounding Benghazi-gate must also expose. This even…

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The Price of Change

Get The Picture? Colorado artist Dave Merrick, DaveMerrick.US,  provides the Defining Moment in the State of America 2012, proving with his talented artwork the truth in the old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Painted in oil…

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In The Muslim World Tolerance Is A One Way Street

Muslims holding protests in London are calling for the suppression of free speech in the name of tolerance.  Much like Obama and Hillary have used that barely seen youtube video “The Innocence of Muslims” to “excuse”  the murder of Americans at our Embassy in Libya, …

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When is lying and deception acceptable?

Taqiyya or Treat? Michael Oberndorf, RPA When is lying and deception acceptable? To civilized westerners, i.e., non-Muslims, never, although it’s overlooked when done to spare someone from being unnecessarily hurt by the truth, as in white lies. However, Islam has…

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DHS To Manage The Internet?

Members of the House and Senate sent Obama a letter “urging” him to “rethink” the wisdom of using an executive order to exert regulatory influence over the Internet in the name of cybersecurity. Obama’s proposed executive order would authorize the…

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Tea Party Terrorist Take Over South Carolina Town

Under the influence of  homegrown terrorists,  activists have  take over the government of Darlington, SC.  They now occupy City Hall, have disbanded city council, put the mayor under house arrest and disarmed local police.  With Darlington now under their control, the militia…

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Joe Biden: Lewd, Rude and Crude

During the Thursday night debate, ‘anyway the wind blows’ Joe, provided the American citizens with an eye opening revelation of his true self. Unmistakably, Joe proved himself an ‘Obama Boy’ groupie. As I watched Joe’s condescending, arrogrant and overbearing attitute come to life, I thought how proud the…

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Obama’s First Love “Allah”

 Obama’s Ring: ‘There is No God Except Allah’   Atlas Shrugs’ Pamela Geller, comments on Obama’s ring; “It certainly gibes with Obama’s Islamophilia and his pro-Shariah foreign policies, and with his extensive Muslim background. Obama’s anti-freedom, pro-jihad foreign policy has…

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Are There Limits To Sexual Freedom?

In the second century, the Roman physician Galen named a common ailment whose symptoms included a burning sensation in the urinary tract and the release of pus.  Combining the Greek word for seed – “gonos” and flow “rhoia”, the word…

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