Tag: amnesty

Virginia Needs A Change

With an estimated net worth of around $300 million, Mark Warner has represented Virginia in the U.S. Senate since his election in 2008. As far as Democrats go today, Warner would definitely be considered a moderate, if that terminology still…

Open Borders, the Sequel

The need to believe in oneself as part of the agency of human salvation runs deep for leftists and environmentalists who have made their obsessions a secular religion. And humanity doesn’t need salvation if there is no sin in the…

Camouflaging Amnesty

While the majority of Americans are engrossed with the Democratic dog and pony impeachment show,  Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), chairman of the House Immigration subcommittee,  introduced HR 4916, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, with 46 cosponsors, 22 of which are…

Illegals Are Costing Taxpayers Big Bucks

In a recently released study of welfare use by American citizens, naturalized citizens and illegals, the Migration Policy Institute found that of the estimated 22 million illegals in the country, 10.3 million are on at least one welfare program.  Of…

Amnesty Rears Its Ugly Head Once Again

America is under no obligation to allow anyone into our country, under no obligation to compensate, in any way, the citizens of the failed governments around the world, including those in our own hemisphere. In fact, had we any obligation…

Alien Nation

As American government transforms itself into a concierge service for illegal aliens, the importance of keeping the truth from actual citizens has grown. Remember, you weren’t supposed to know about Obama’s human wave assault this year. The photos of children stacked…

RINOs Gearing Up For Amnesty

The far-left radical National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVED) have launched the initial phase of their “Mobilize to Vote 2014” a joint effort to register  new Hispanic voters before the midterm election. LaRaza, is…

The Incredible Shrinking Middle Class

Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee,  issued a  statement  in response to President Obama’s speech on the decline in economic conditions for U.S. workers. It is shocking for the President to give a speech about…

We Did Not Steal Land From Mexico

The next time you hear someone prattling on about how the US stole all the southwestern United States from Mexico, set them straight.  Tell them its bunk.  The land was bought  and paid for. .  If they refuse to believe you refer…