Tag: Economy

Answer Us These Mr. President

MYCHAL MASSIE I have some questions we should be demanding answers to from Obama–not many, just a couple.  His answers or his refusal to answer will indelibly punctuate any lingering questions pursuant to his validity as leader of the greatest…

An Executive Order You Should Know About

Obama recently updated an old executive order that has been around for decades, giving the government a complete takeover of our economy, etc.. The scary part is Obama’s new update would allow him to do it even in “non-emergency” situations. Do…

Just Follow the Money

Knowing thousands of Americans would return to work, our economy would improve, homes would be saved and the dependency on food stamps would cease, Obama would not approve the Keystone pipeline spewing some lame excuses which included environmental concerns. Well…

America Gone

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men…

Nero In The White House

Mychal Massie Three significant historical events have been eclipsed by Obama: 1) Jimmy Carter will no longer be looked upon as the worst president in American history; 2) Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton will no longer be recognized as the…

Controlling Free Enterprise by means of Intimidation

Color of Change, (COC) a liberal organization funded by George Soros, SEIU, Moveon.org, etc., and  co-founded in 2005 by James Rucker and Van Jones,  have been making calls to corporations like Coca-cola, basically demanding they stop funding the American Legislative Exchange Council…

Why I Do Not Like The Obamas

Mychal Massie 22 February 2012 The other evening on my twitter, a person asked me why I didn’t like the Obama’s?  Specifically I was asked: “I have to ask, why do you hate the Obama’s? It seems personal not policy…


 Merchants of Despire Obama’s Destructive Government in 7:20 The only way to STOP Obama is With Your Vote Because Congress hasn’t the backbone to do the right thing an impeach him! (please share this video with your friends)    

Neo-Eugenicists Hone Population Control Agenda

Kari Norgaard, a professor of sociology and environmental studies at the University of Oregon called “climate Change skepticism” a sickness that must be treated as an aberrant sociological behavior.  She thinks (?) that resolving skepticism about climate change is a challenge equitable…

Doctors Speak Out Against Obamacare

From the website ads4truth: Why are we here? We believe that the doctors who actually care for America’s patients have valuable insight and wisdom to share. We have waited too long for a national voice to inform the average American…