Tag: fighting back

Grant TX & LA Peaceful Withdraw From US

It’s quite amazing actually, but not surprising what is taking place post  re-election of Barack Hussein Obama.  Remember, as I write this, that Obama  comes from the same state as Abraham Lincoln and that just as Lincoln oversaw a  divided…

America Voted For Gridlock

Sorry Liberals, Tuesday’s election did not change our core principles or values or our determination.  America is worth fighting for and we’re here to stay.    For those of us who believe that America is the greatest nation on earth, we will mourn…

Big Brother Has His Eye On You!

The FAA Authorization Act signed into law just this year has opened the door for unmanned drones to take over the skies over America.  Obama has called for drone technology to be integrated into the national air space by 2015. …

Decree For America

A “Decree for America” was written by Pastor Aaron Fruh of Knollwood Church in Mobile, Alabama, in response to the Democratic Platform that called for taxpayer funded murder of innocent children on demand,  dissolving the biblical definition of marriage and…

Allegiance to Color: Skin for Skin

by Dr. Clenard Childress, Jr., Senior Pastor at New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclaire, N.J.   Dr. Childress is the founder of Blackgenocide.org and President of North East LEARN, one of the largest African-American pro-life groups in the United States. Without…

Tea Party Terrorist Take Over South Carolina Town

Under the influence of  homegrown terrorists,  activists have  take over the government of Darlington, SC.  They now occupy City Hall, have disbanded city council, put the mayor under house arrest and disarmed local police.  With Darlington now under their control, the militia…

Chicken Little Energy Policies

Paul Driessen writes that back in the 1970s many scientists feared a new ice age caused by fossil fuels would cause glaciers to expand.  A 1975 Newsweek cover story reported that “the earth’s climate seems to be cooling down.”  Meteorologists…


At last, a Long Term Toxicity study of Roundup and genetically modified or genetically engineered corn has been released.   Scientists studied rats fed a diet of GM corn for two years to discover what many of us feared.   Roundup is…

We’ve Had Enough

Since the unjustified assaults on the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Libya, resulting in the death of 4 American citizens, including the ambassador and two Navy Seals,  Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice as well as  other administrative officials and their supporters,   have been running around…