Tag: fighting back

Is The Government Smarter Than You?

America is a Republic, a government by the people.  It is not a government run by an elite few nor ruled by a singular individual.  Government gains legitimacy because of the consent of the people it governs. If you ask…

Monsanto Owns The Government

How does Monsanto, a company that admits it wants to control the world’s food supply through its patented genetically engineered seeds, get away without having to label their products?   Money – follow the money! Monsanto lives at the doorstep of…

Are Blacks Still Enslaved?

How does a former NAACP chapter president, a self proclaimed liberal who championed the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, end up in the hyper-conservative Tea Party?  C. L. Bryant shares his story in “Runaway Slave,” a new documentary…

Muslims and Same-Sex Marriage

Little Caesars By Charlie Daniels Regardless of how you feel about the same-sex marriage issue, whether pro, con or neutral, if you are a freedom loving American you have to be appalled and angry to one degree or another when…

Charlie Daniels “I Did Build That”

An Open Letter To Barack Hussein Obama Mr. Obama, You recently made a statement to the effect that, “If you have a business you didn’t build it, you had help” inferring that the federal government helped build our businesses by…

FrankenFish Anyone?

The mass cultivation of genetically modified soybeans has been a detriment to the environment and had a health impact worldwide.   As it stands today, soy is widely used in our diets  through processed foods and is found in most meat, since  soy is fed…

The Oathkeepers

The oath keepers and other patriots are all that stand between “We the People” and a government verging on evil. Alan Caruba I regard the next four months between now and the election to be the most dangerous that the…