Tag: fighting back

Exposing Black Racism

Kevin Jackson at the Black Sphere has an interesting point to make on the Zimmerman trial.  “It’s hard to fathom that blacks have fought so hard against racism, only to become the most racist people in the country.  Black liberals…

Spinning the Death Of Medicare

The 2013  Medicare Trustees Annual Report was recently published, all 280 pages of it.  Hoping the average citizen will not take the time to read it, our government has been in  Spin heaven. According to the government, every thing is…

Gerald Celente’s Powerful Video

Gerald Celente’s 4th of July message to launch 2nd American Revolution from Colonial Kingston NY. This is the most powerful Gerald Celente Video ever. He talks about what is facing our nation and some of the biggest solutions that you…

A Perverted Sense of Propriety

You can be arrested for hunting or fishing without a license – but not for being in the country illegally. Your child needs permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school – but not to get…

Facebook Hates Jesus?

According to Fox News, Facebook shut down the page of one of their employees, Todd Starnes for his posting: “I’m about as politically incorrect as you can get. I’m wearing an NRA ball cap, eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich, reading a Paula Deen…

Natural Rights

Any right that is a true human right is inherent. Such rights are not granted by government, they are not privileges bestowed by society, or created by documents, therefore such rights cannot be regulated, limited or revoked by any such…

Have Sex With Me or Else

Chief Magistrate Judge Bryant Cochran of Georgia was handling a woman’s divorce case, when he gave her an illicit offer he thought she couldn’t refuse. When she did refused, he took many illegal steps to ruin her life.  And they…

We Did Not Steal Land From Mexico

The next time you hear someone prattling on about how the US stole all the southwestern United States from Mexico, set them straight.  Tell them its bunk.  The land was bought  and paid for. .  If they refuse to believe you refer…