Tag: fighting back

Obama Signs the Monsanto Protection Act

President Barack Obama signed a spending bill, HR 933, into law on Tuesday that includes language that has food and consumer advocates and organic farmers up in arms over their contention that the so-called “Monsanto Protection Act” is a giveaway…

ObamaCare: Marketing Sex To Kindergarten

While the White House says sequestration has eliminated funds for children touring the White House, President Obama has no problem spending $350 million federal tax dollars under ObamaCare for sexual indoctrination programs starting in kindergarten for those same children.  This…

Starbucks: Christian Business Isn’t Wanted

Starbuck’s CEO Howard Schultz doesn’t care  about Christians or their money, regardless of how much it could hurt  his company’s business. Last year, Schultz announced that his company was supporting the same-sex marriage bill in the state of Washington. Schultz said…

Born In Secrecy, Operating In Silence

“The guarantees of personal freedom in the Constitution are only as valuable and reliable as is the fidelity to the Constitution of those to whom we have entrusted it for safekeeping.”   Judge Andrew Napolitano In 1798, when John Adams was…

House Leadership Called To Task At CPAC

Brent Bozell, president of Media Research  chided Republicans during his speach at CPAC.   Defining  true conservatism for the audience, he called the current GOP leaders  “Democrat Lite.” While praising Paul Ryan for his  courage in trying to reform Medicare and repeal ObamaCare, Bozell  rebuked…

CAIR Has A Plan To Destroy The First Amendment

While the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) works relentlessly to get nations to criminalize speech that “denigrates” Islam, here in the U.S. some so-called “Muslim civil rights groups” are demanding the same thing Faizan Syed at the  Missouri CAIR office…

The Sequester Flim Flam

Bob Woodward, associate editor of the Washington Post wrote a revealing article for the Post  blaming Obama for the sequester.  Be still my beating heart! Who is responsible?   What really happened?   According to Woodward, the finger-pointing began during the third…

Do Political Protests Matter?

The American Enterprise Institute released a report on December 12, 1012 “Do Political Protests Matter, Evidence From the Tea Party Movement.”    Can protests cause political change, or are they merely symptoms of underlying shifts in policy preferences?  We address this…

Get The Blaze on TV

Make Your Voice Heard. You pay for TV. Your programming should reflect your values. TheBlaze is the network you are building, and we need your help. Contact your TV provider and urge them to add TheBlaze to your channel lineup.…

Roosters Rule The Roost

On a scale of children to chicken, who do you think gets more protection in this country?  Based on the last eight years of interstate legislation, roosters rule the roost.  Back in 2007, it took just one try to outlaw…

Gun Mfgs And Businesses Are Fighting Back

UPDATE:  The list of companies that have taken the steps to publicly announce that they will not sell to states, counties, cities, and municipalities that restrict their citizens rights to own firearms is growing.   It includes SRT Arms, Norton Firearms,  Red…

Scientists Say There Is No Consensus On Climate Change

Environmental groups gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Sunday in 30 some degree weather  to pressure  Obama to reject the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline.  Speakers portrayed the battle over the pipeline as a struggle between  grassroots green groups and deep-pocketed…