Tag: fighting back

Pistol Packing Pastor

I hope everyone is aware that the far-left is after your guns and has no shame in asking ministers to help them convince the gullible that Americans don’t need to be armed. Dr. Ken Hutcherson, of the Hutch Post, has…

Armed March July 4th

Radio host and activist Adam Kokesh plans to lead an armed march from the Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia all the way to the White House and back. According to a Facebook event posted by Kokesh, titled “Open Carry March…

Is Polygamy The Next Civil Right?

“In the end we will have so remake society, it will have to adjust to us, because it will seem absurd not to. And the only weapon they have against us is fundamentalist religion, in its crudest and rather brutal…

WhiteWashing Radical Islamic Terrorism

“A story that’s being pushed in the media, when the ISB is mentioned at all, is how  Tamerlan Tsarnaev was reputedly ‘kicked out of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB) mosque for an angry tirade against the Imam for preaching a sermon telling…

Truth Has No Agenda

“If the ruling elite didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all.” Paul Driessen During all the coverage of the bombings in Boston not once did I hear the phrase Islamic terrorists.  I heard many left-wing commentors…

Where Police Stand On Gun Control

In March, PoliceOne conducted the most comprehensive survey ever  of American law enforcement officers’ opinions on the topic gripping the nation’s attention in recent weeks: gun control.  You can read the complete survey at this link. More than 15,000 verified…

Bloviator Chokes On Foot

I must admit up front that I have never been a big fan of Bill O’Reilly – he comes across as a pompous bully, no matter which side of the fence he throws his hat.  Being a pompous bully doesn’t mean…

Make your voice heard

Mychal Massie Sean Penn is applauded as a volatile actor. He is known for his deep respect for world leaders such as Hugo Chavez, the late Communist leader of Venezuela and the soon-to-be-late (many hope) Fidel Castro of Cuba. He…

The Baby Slaughter House of Horrors

The murder of  an unborn child is inherently wrong.    It is no more just to kill an unborn child  for convenience than it is to  kill a toddler or any child at any stage of development to avoid hardship.   A society  that condones…