Tag: Freedom

A Patriot Takes Pride In His Heritage

One of the strangest periods of Roman history was the period right before the republic collapsed and became an empire. The Romans, not known for losing, during this period lost nearly everything they put their hands on. Catiline nearly overthrew…

Prudent People Prepare For Chaos

It is time to face the reality that we are living in dangerous times. With an open southern border through which disease, guns, drugs, illegal aliens and terrorists are flooding, with the attempted cover up of scandals too numerous to…


“For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace.  They fight not for the lust of conquest.  They fight to end conquest.  They fight to liberate.  They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and good will among…

The Throne and the Pulpit

There was a time in America when we had pastors and preachers in the similitude of Old Testament prophets. They were men who helped forge a land of freedom. Furthermore, they helped insure that in the United States there was…

Election 2020 – Does America Win or Lose

We’ve heard Speaker of the House Pelosi call Republicans the enemy of the state, and Biden accusing President Trump of wanting more violence. While Biden cowers behind closed doors he is told by Pelosi not to debate Trump, “It will…

“May Day”!

We are living in a dangerous political climate. The anti-American coup has escalated and the final nails are being driven into America’s coffin. In a speech on July 2, 2008, Obama said, We cannot continue to rely on our military…

Enduring Principles

The true theory of national life and prosperity is clearly unfolded in the revealed Word of God. The secret of all stability and enduring greatness in governments, as with individual men, is to be found alone in the quickening power of…

Divine Law and the U.S. Constitution

If President George Washington miraculously returned to America today what do you think he would have to say to our countrymen, and our elected representatives?   I don’t think most of it would be complimentary.  I think he would be horrified at…

Freedom Versus Tyranny on Display

Dr. Richard Land once called our country, “the divided states of America.” How apt—especially when we survey the various responses to the coronavirus. They are lessons in liberty and lessons in tyranny. To paraphrase what a friend of mine wrote…

Your Business is Essential

What the hell is an essential job and an essential business? Who is more essential, the cop, or the kid in the mall-kiosk who fixes my phone? Fortunately, that decision shouldn’t be up to a politician or a judge. It…