Tag: homosexual agenda

Terry McAuliffe, a “Political Hack”

It may be hard to accept but July is all but gone leaving us a mere two months until the next Virginia election.   While most everyone in the state is familiar with Republican candidate Ken Cuccineli, Virginia’s Attorney General, not…

America’s Shadow Government

With the election of Obama in 2008, and members of the Shadow Party playing central roles, the White House began to roll out an ideological agenda that included many of George Soros’ signature “concerns.” Only a few days into Obama’s…

Why Would Anyone Want To Join Obama’s Military

Welcome to Obama’s military, where open homosexuality is encouraged but open belief is not. Rep. John Gleming, Republican of LA offered an amendment to the Defense budget that would require the military to accommodate “actions and speech” reflecting the conscience,…

Supreme Court Did Not ReDefine Marriage!

Regardless of what you hear or read about from either side of the aisle, the Supreme Court decisions in the Proposition 8 and Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) cases leaves the marriage debate alive and kicking. Technically there was no winner. …

The ENDA Attack On Values

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) currently being pushed in Congress is yet another attack on American values by homosexual activists.   American workers are covered by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that bars discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex and…

Even Jesus Ate With Sinners

The ACLU has filed a discrimination complaint on behalf of a male gay couple against a Colorado bakery, for refusing them a wedding cake, alleging that the owners of the bakery have a history of turning away same-sex couples.   Mark Silverstein,…

Not Satisfied With Just The Destruction of America. . .

Under the guise of promoting human rights, Obama issued a  memorandum in  December 2011, pushing the homosexual agenda.  Aided by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, both vowed to actively combat efforts by other nations that fight against the homosexual agenda, through the  enticement of foreign aid, to…

Having A Mom and Dad Is A Precious Value

“It’s disturbingly classist and elitist for gay men to think they can love their children unreservedly after treating their surrogate mother like an incubator, or for lesbians to think they can love their children unconditionally after treating their sperm-donor father…

Gov’t Stealing the Innocence of Children

The Health and Human Services’ (X rated)website girlshealth.gov , is targeting young girls with sexual feel good tips that sadly includes perversion. Under the “About” section, the website is described as “helping girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may…

This Is What Passes As Justice At The DOJ

“Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas According to Obama  “The LGBT community deserves full…